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BioHacking legality

Hey there, so I constantly here about how medical professionals can not be involved in biohacking or how having someone else help you with implants is legally considered as assault. But does anyone have a list of or know what laws surround this? Or is it more social taboo then anything else? Thank you. 


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  1. I think it falls closest to the body modifications laws, in some states you have to get a license to practice body modification, these are the people who would legally be able to do implants. Also doctors would be able to do implants, but a doctor risks loosing their medical license if someone thinks its not right, so most doctors wont do any implant except for fake boobs, or something that would save your life.
  2. As I understand it, the main issues are that 1. Medical professionals cannot perform these procedures without risking losing their license (and unfortunately these are the people who are far and away most qualified to do any type of biohacking procedures), and 2. If something should go wrong during a procedure and another person was involved in it, they would be liable for your wrongful death. Obviously I'm not going to sue someone doing any of my implants for assault, so that's really a non-issue, but if I die as a result of a procedure someone else does on me it's out of my hands and into the government's what that person gets charged for.
  3. I'm waiting for the day and age that HIPAA compliance rears it's ugly head.
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