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How to safely make a loud/big EM field?

So I was thinking. I have access to some really cool spaces that get visited by all sorts of weird people. I'm sure biohackers sometimes wander through. I would love to build a large em field that could be toggled off an on silently. You could have it beep out a phone number or email address in morse code. Biohackers visiting would know that someone else was there. 

The programming side of it is simple, but I'm not sure what to use to make a large enough field to be noticed. Thoughts?


Displaying all 13 comments
  1. How far away do you want this field to be noticeable?
  2. A couple of feet would be great - that's probably too much to ask for though. Could probably get away with 6 - 8 inches if it was well placed. 
  3. Or 4 if you wanted to get creative - maybe mount it next to the door handle or something. 
  4. How big do you want the supporting equipment to be? I think it'd be amusing seeing someone waving their hand around the door trying to figure out your message, though. 
  5. How far away can you feel a microwave with your implant?
  6. I think anything laptop sized would be fine. Smaller would be better obviously, but as long as it wasn't huge I'm sure I could get something to work. 

    And for distance, I would say I can feel a microwave from ~2 ft away (top or side, not front). Something like that would be more than adequate. 
  7. The field is determined by the current, so to avoid a huge power cost a scavenging system is needed. It will draw a significant amount of power.
  8. I felt a feild atleast one metre away before my magnet rejected, it was the sensor for a traffic light. It is possible to feel a feild that far away, but I am guessing those sensors are too big and costly.
  9. Well, they're just powerful. One option would be lining the door frame in coils and running a lot of current through them.
  10. Yeah, it would create a neat 'barrier' feel if you had a loop around the doorframe and under the floor, the field would grow as you approach the door and peak as you walked through it. Like moving through a force field.
  11. The door frame idea is a good one. The way the field is emitted (direction) has a big impact on how you feel it. The orientation of the magnet will have a huge impact. Maybe play some music through it for those of us with the ear mod? B)
  12. Door loop may wipe devices passing through. So, you know you're there with a bunch of grinders, but you just nuked your laptop....
  13. Wiping modern devices such as harddisks is pretty much impossible with a magnet (unless you have a magnet that can pull up 2000 to 9000Gauss at the surface of the disk). You could endanger more fragile magnetic devices such as magnet stripes on electronic cash cards, or floppy disks if you make the field too strong. You'd also have to be careful with things like pacemakers (which sometimes have magnetically operated switches).
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