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Magnetic tattoo ink


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  1. So I may have made this, or at least something that's a good step towards this. I'm just editing some footage of the stuff but I've made magnetic fluorescent particles of varying size, from nano to micro. It could conceivably be used as an ink. I'm going to be working over the next while to confirm that it's biosafe and all that but it could be a good stepping stone to this. The particles are bright pink and move around in the solution in response to a magnet. They also fluoresce orange. I tried this out with the black particles of a similair nature. If you have your solution of nanoparticles and you add a colourful dye to it, when you add the magnet, the solution goes from dark to bright. If you made nanocapsules to hold the dye and particles you could in theory get a reactive ink that changes color in response to a magnet. I'm gonna keep looking into this and i'll post video later. 
  2. Neat. Look forward to seeing it.
  3. The link for your viewing pleasure. Camera is shaky and doesn't get the color quiet right, nor does it pick up the fluorescence very well but you get the idea. Dye that moves around with a magnet.

  4. I'm down. You can do you testing on me or something (not kidding) I want magnetic glowing pink stuff! @chironex
  5. loool it doesn't quiet work like that. And i have the black version for sale on my site if you want some. The colored version is still in dev so wont be up for a while. I'll be starting by testing it on bacteria. If it kills them or causes them to mutate then I know there's a problem. Then work up to human cells, then eventually a living subject. I wouldn't want people getting hurt with this. Also if it's gonna be used as a tattoo ink I'll be making it a lot better than what it is first. You'll like the finished product. It'll be 2 colors can change with a magnet. But for now glowing magnetic pink is the best i got. That said, it's good to know i've got volenteers for when it's ready. Gimme a month or two and it should be good to go if school doesn't get in the way too much.
  6. I would love glow red i got some eyes to do on my arm. @chironex whats your site
  8. Also even if I did list the magnetic fluorescent stuff on my site, it's still not tested so I don't know if it's safe to use in your body so you couldn't even try tattooing it yet. Gimme a bit to get some tests done and if it comes out safe then I'll list it. At most it's a desk toy atm. but soon it'll be a new cancer treatment if all goes well and eventually yes, color changing magnetic tattoo ink.
  9. Sounds good to me just give the word and I'll happily give it a try
  10. i would  definitely be willing to guinea pig this stuff. my question is, in terms of traditional tattoo ink, is it in a pocket? or is it simply injected into a subcutaneous layer and then mixes in there? if it is in a pocket then this ink stands a good chance, however if it isn't, then what will the magnetic particles do if you actually put a magnet close to them? wouldn't they pull on your skin in a way? would the whole "collect in one spot" phenomenon happen? if it were to happen, then how would you get the magnetic particles to dissipate back into the tattoo'd area? again , it seems to me that this ink would work if it was in a tiny pocket, and if this pocket was to be stretched every time you put a magnet to it - would that cause any damage?  apologies if i'm asking stupid questions here  but i was just curious because it seems like an awesome idea..
  11. Stumbled across this...scroll down they talk about using silk circuit boards for LED tattoos.

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