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New biotech DNA company

Hi Everyone,

This is my first post to the community.  

My wife and I started a biotech company in 2014 that uses genetic and psychological testing for the dating industry. We have expertise in genetics and neuroscience and a passion for making DNA testing accessible to everyone. We've recently launched a new product called Gemetrics which will allow you to explore three neurogenetic variants that have been strongly linked to behavioral traits (for under $50).

My longer term goal is to develop an inexpensive a la carte platform that will allow you to anonymously test and compare your genetic traits to everyone else on the database and discover what makes you unique. When that platform is ready, you'll be able to find your genetic uniqueness and then exploit it as much as possible.

I'm coming to you to explore which other ideas or tests you want to see created?  We've got the lab and the people to do it!

Would love to hear from you...


Displaying all 15 comments
  1. Im curious about the tests you already offer. How are you testing for "warrior genes" or inventor genes. Do you have a paper highlighting the genetic sequences which create these personality traits? Also what if someone has more than one? Can you mix and match? 

    How does your tests work? Are you using some sort or chip array? or just simple PCR amplification of the expected region of dna, then electrophoresis to see alleles? or what?

  2. Hi Chironex,

    Thanks for your questions.  We test for three genes which affect dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin.  Specifically they are well researched transporters and receptors called DRD4, OXTR and the 5-HTTLPR region of SLC6A4.  Different variants of these genes alter our brain’s sensitivity to dopamine, serotonin and oxytocin which in turn affects our personality.

    We test everyone for all three genes and the combination of their results is how we categorize them into one of eight possible genetic personalities.  The categories are based on how each variant affects our personality and how closely it relates to eight different classic brand archetypes.  So, for example, the warrior carries the short version of 5HTTLPR, the 7R+ version of DRD4 and the A version of OXTR.  These gene variants push a person to be more passionate, risk taking and have lowered empathy.  The warrior archetype is tough and courageous, achieving their goals despite obstacles and in difficult times they continue to persist and achieve their goals.  This would require someone to be more passionate, be willing to take risks and sometimes have reduced empathy if someone stood in their way.  That is just an example for warrior.  The inventor and the other groups are different combinations of these three genes with their own reasoning.

    Accompanying the test is a report which outlines your genetic results and what they mean for your personality.  It also provides the reasoning behind which personality type you receive.

    In the future, I plan to replace the brand archetypes with actual client data. For example, you'll be able to see how your combination of genetic variants correlate to others in the database who have shared information on jobs, hobbies and interests.  I’ll switch it over after I have about 1000 clients at which point the data becomes more useful.

    By the way, all the testing is done in our lab using PCR - imaged by gel electrophoresis.  I can provide an accumulated list of references for how these genes affect personality, I just need a bit of time to pull it all together.

  3. PCR amplification has a fair bit of error though. How many trials are run on each sample? Or is it just one pass?

    Also how does the personality data help in any way? Will it work on a fetus? Could it be used to classify kids before they're born?

    Are those gene's associated with any other conditions? I feel like a change in how your body uptakes neuro trasmitters would have more than just an affect on your personality. 
  4. Thanks for your interest!

     You're right.  PCR can be very inaccurate which is why we've spent a lot of time optimizing our protocols.  We actually amplify the region of interest and then we cleave them with restriction enzymes that signal the presence or absence of a particular genetic variant.  If we are ever in doubt of a result we run it again. It's usually very clear as you can see in the images below:

    Here's an example:
    Serotonin long and short variants.

    Dopamine 7R+ and 7R- variants.

    OXTR A and G variants.

    The personality data helps by letting you know your natural genetic strengths so you can home in on them. Theoretically this could be applied to unborn fetuses but that's not something I've wanted to get into for ethical reasons. However, I think testing young kids could be useful if the parents understood the limitations of the test.  Not something we've explored yet.

    Yes, some of these genes are associated with susceptibility to other conditions. I can send you some links when I pull the references together.

    Are you based out of Canada or in the US?  Our rules in Canada are a little different for genetic testing than in the US.  For example, I can provide you with medical information about your genetics in Canada but I can't if you're in the US.
  5. Im more interested in this as a diagnostic tool. How easily can you get new primers for the tests? As in test for something other than this? Cause if that was cheap I'd be more interested in a public access genetic medical test. So someone could pick from a list of conditions that are more easily diagnosed by genetic testing and send in their sample. Would make an otherwise very expensive test in the states, easier for your average person to get. Although frankly what'd be better for that is a proper sequence but if for 50 bucks u could pick 3 genes to check, and get some information you otherwise couldn't, i'd get one. To me the personality thing just seems like a gimmic. Just like 23 and me. Too gimmicky. I'm more interested in data, the more the better.
  6. Hi Chironex, Thank you for your honest feedback. I appreciate that you're more interested in medical genetic tests. There are many regulatory challenges for creating diagnostic tests which mean much higher prices for the consumer. I wouldn't expect those prices to go down quickly. Raw data can be shared but many people would have difficulty interpreting it. I've created something really affordable today that gives everyone access to their gemomic info. We're starting with behavioral genes for $10-15 each and the list will grow over time. Hopefully one day we can do more medical genetic tests affordably.
  7. Well of course. I do like the idea of even simple genetic testing for a price like that. Don't get me wrong, we all have to start somewhere and a neuro transmitter gene holds a lot of potential. For example you mentioned that carrying some of these genes held medical significance? Im curious to know what. Further I know that your primer sequences, although you may have designed them, are cheap. I can think of a few companies that will print off the olginucleotide you need for not all that much, all things considered.  I just think at the least you could have spun this differently. Forget a neurotransmitter gene to tell you if you're a warrior, look for something else, like a gene that could hold hidden potential. Maybe the myostatin gene for example. If you could build primers to show it, you'll see varience. Figure out which version leads to bigger muscles and voila you can tell people they'll have better luck in the gym. I'd play to people's strengths and physical body rather than their mind. If people need a personality test there's plenty that don't require sending in a potentially incriminating genetic sample. But if you could show them what their bodies were capable of, people would line up out the door as it were. Although there's r and d costs with that and much more. At least, that's my opinion. Others may not agree with me, but it's what I think would be cool. 
  8. what you make sure that Behavior is linked to genes and hormones do not forget
  9. @qaqaa_bin_amr english much?

  10. what ... it true
  11. @Dragon5

  12. To be clear your compan is this : , correct? 

  13. theres no way to tell if these genes are being actively expressed is there? i know certain things can and do have an effect on genetic makeup, for instant, the stresses of childhood poverty actually shortens the telomeres on certain genes. nature vs. nuture i guess, my question is whether there is a way to tell if theyre being expressed and if so how strongly? 
  14. @Instant_Chemistry I'd be very interested to see publications linking those genes to any particular gene traits. My understanding is that humans are equal parts nature and nurture. While genetics might make somebody look good on paper, the way they were raised and their culture is equally important in defining personality and behavior. What exactly are the actual findings for individuals with these traits and in what ratios? I want to see some n values~
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