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New England grinder meet ups

I'd love to talk a bit maybe meet up if there is anyone in southern Maine or the south shore in mass. I've been trying to find out about places that do implanting and just regular information. It would be great to be able to face to face. I'm often in Plymouth as I am originally from there. Edited the name of the thread to better show the new approach.


Displaying all 18 comments
  1. Any one live in south shore of mass?
  2. MA here, but Boston area. Just sent you a message with some details on a shop that does this work! :)

    Some kind of big get together or even small meetup in the North East would be rad some day.
  3. I agree! I'm sure there is a few people who are doing this in the area.
  4. So I've moved and feel I should make that know Incase someone happens onto this thread. I'm no longer in Maine but am now in southern mass permanently.
  5. I live in southern Maine and I am willing to travel. I would love to meet some grinders. There is a shop in the Boston area that does this? Wish I knew. I traveled to new York for my first implant.
  6. Sadly there's no shop in Boston that will. Anything implant related in the state of MA is exclusively reserved for medical practitioners. Had to go to NH for my first few, and even then it was pretty hush hush as regulations are the same there.

    Though, I mean a bunch of friends just getting together and hanging out and not professionally offering any kind of services in exchange for something of monetary value is certainly less of a legal concern, if I had to guess?

    Either way, we should definitely plan something! Personally speaking, I find I'm a lot more productive when I can cowork and be around folks doing similar things.
  7. Agreed, I could even bring my friend who is becoming more interested the more I talk to him about it.
  8. I ended up doing my RFID myself...well my wife had the honors of sticking me...and you are correct bird. It becomes frowned upon when money exchanges hands but the other thing that could be a problem is if they really wanted to the authorities could claim it as assault with a deadly weapon. (I'm not kidding) Where in Maine are you Dmlawrence?
  9. Just out of Lewiston
  10. Oh nice I was in Saco.
  11. So to get back on topic we have any day of the week that works best for people and any possible locations?
  12. There's been talk about getting the whole East Coast out to Virginia beach, but as far as a smaller NE specific plan, we have a few options.

    Might be nice to pool resources and grab some kind of remote space in NH every once in a while. Lots of space to work with and little outside noise. That's more of like a full weekend kind of deal though. Far as something more low-key during the week, there's the Artisian's Asylum that might be nice? I need to renew my membership, but the location isn't too hard to get to, and they have a lot of supplies and resources! I'm a little biased though since it's just a short bus ride over from me. Sadly with a studio apt I can't exactly host at home... 
  13. Im game for anything really. I have never been to one of these get togethers and not entirely sure what it entails other than meeting new people. Should we maybe work up a project to work on? Also if I am going to travel that far I wouldn't be able to do it more than once a month.
  14. I couldn't really see it being more then once with everyone working and traveling. I know I'd be hard pressed to do it more then 2 times in a year. I have a family I need to be with and work. Maybe something in the beginning and end of the year?
  15. Spring and autumn to avoid extreme weathers?
  16. Seems like a good time frame.
  17. Gindfest is in the spring, so for the sake of spreading out travel budgets I will definitely vote autumn :)
  18. Also for the sake of the thread I'm going to modify the title of it to show the new direction! Depending on the time of year in autumn I'm more then willing expesically in nh. Maybe start small with just one time a year and if it goes well change it up and add another? After watching that video of Amal going to the hacker camp perhaps maybe involving something similar?
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