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I have had a raw magnet in my finger for about a year with no issues, what did I do different?

About a year ago I got some raw magnets online, just a super tiny one from 'super magnet man' I also (at the time) had heard about sugru being the thing to coat them in, but me being stupid (turns out maybe not so stupid) put this magnet in with nothing on it, plain jain, raw dogged it. I thought it would reject over a few months and I would have to get it taken out, But really it was a test, an experiment to see what was going to happen.

I have noticed a small pinch now and again while picking up heavy thing. But by using another magnet and a few playing cards I found that the strength has no changed since implanting the magnet a year ago.

So what did I do differently? It would be cool if we could figure it out so that maybe we find a way to implant non-coated magnets, (would cut down the cost a bit).


1) I implanted it with a hollow piercing needs
maybe because I did it this way I have a build up or scar tissue?

2) I am vegan and drink mainly soylent 
maybe it has something to do with the nutrition in my body?

3) I am a programmer
I do not lift heavy things very often, my magnet stays in a very stable place in my finger

4) I am 20 years old
My body might just still being adapting and growing and just accepted the magnet as a part of that process


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. supermagnetman sells magnets coated with parylene, you may have been lucky and bought one of these. It's not as good as TiN but many people here have magnets coated in it. You cannot buy "raw" neodymium magnet because they always have some coating (usually its nickel-copper-nickel/zinc). If you still have link to which you bought I may check it out.

    By the way, what color did the magnets have - black, grey, metallic? If you bought more than you implanted then please post photo.
  2. Also, unless your body did something very very unusual, the rejection response triggered by the body corroding rare-earth-metals is unavoidable. Do you have the order or a receipt that might say what kind of magnet you got?
  3. Yeah, I second what's being said here. It's very unlikely that it's uncoated. If it's from supermagnetman, then he sells either nickel coated or parylene. If it's nickel and you haven't rejected then you're very fortunate! As requested by Zlekrat, color please.
  4. It is a coincidence, I have had two gold coated magnets, both rejected. I rarely lift heavy things like you, I made the pocket with a needle, am vegan, and am young; you just got lucky.
  5. Jacob, do you take supplements? A basic vegan diet can cause issues with wound healing, and an implant is a rather interesting wound to have to heal. Being vegan could have negatively impacted your implants.
  6. these are the ones that I ordered, so they are nickle coated. they were black when I got them. 

    very interesting that Jacob rejected 2 gold magnets while having a very similar life style as me. 
  7. Do keep in mind that just because it hasn't been rejected doesn't mean nothing is happening. 

    A few weeks back I took out two parylene coated magnets after two and half years of having no issues ( I just wanted to see what they looked like) and both were corroding.
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