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RFID/home automation
Has anyone had any luck with integrating home automation with an rfid or something better? My list of things to do are RFID, NFC, magnet finger.
I would love to be able to use all of these maybe more with my home automation set up. For reference I use the wink set up.
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AFAIK most of those branded automation kits work off a smartphone, not a PC. So using a USB reader through a PC might be a bit of legwork, I'm not a coder so that's out of my league. But using an Android smartphone with Wink/Wemo/Whatever, you could setup NFC actions using the tag with Tasker or a similar app. Something like "scan tag to turn on litchen lights". Also take a look at those gesture-based rings, I think there are a couple different ones out now but they can be hit-or-miss on reliability. They use an accelerometer inside the ring to trigger actions over bluetooth, so you could pair them up with a phone to use gestures for your smarthome stuff. Another avenue would be to figure out a decent way to control smarthome gizmos from your PC, and then setup VoiceAttack and a decent conference mic so you have voice-controlled home automation. That one interests me, I just haven't gotten around to figuring out the PC<->Wemo/Wink/IFTTT connection yet.
I was thinking of trying to integrate sensors into the house that can read RFID for simple things such as light and locks. obviously that will take some effort on the building side to allow for wifi also. I was reading an article about a man who works with robotics who has done something similar but a lot more advanced. I can find it any more and was hoping I could find it again. The man was able to have doors open for him and lights turn on and other such things. I the last think I remembered was a chip he put in his head and wives. I hope I'm remembering right and some one here has seen the article. EDIT: Kevin Warwick found the name and article
- I saw this while looking at that ring. I instantly had my head start running with this one! I'm already wear an NFC ring so adding more ringsto me I'm not to keen on but has anyone tried this? Also do you think this can be broken down to implantable size?! If this is able to be done that would be awesome for home automation for me. It would hit every mark I could think of.
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