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List of stores related to biohacking

Can you give me a list of online stores that sell implantable magnets, chips and stuff like that? Thanks :D


Displaying all 7 comments
  1. I think this would be a great list to have. I'm bumping this temporarily once the list is made and transfered to the wiki it will be unannounced.

    I'll throw my name into the ring. is us. we sell tdcs units for cheap and will soon carry some implantables and nanoparticle products.
  2. Isn't the Wiki a better place to put all of this kind of information?
  3. Good idea. We could use a nice resource page, with a list of stores and labs! Would it be best to have a 'resources' section under quick links?  and in there have a list of stores?

    Side note, has been a fantastic resource!
  4. Also, just remembered that we do have this

    I think it'd be wise to expand this page beyond just magnet sources. Also maybe split it up into already compiled sources (stuff that's already encapsulated and coated) and raw materials (glass tubing to create new chips, for example).
  5. BirdMachine Thanks :D
  7. I bought an NFC implant from, it came with an implant kit. it works fine with my phone.
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