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Science & syfy

So a crazy thought has popped in my crashing brain from lack of caffeine....magnetic implant to pick up MF, has anyone with one gone near any individual who claims to speak with the dead/sees ghosts? Supposedly a ghost manipulates fields in order to communicate. I feel it would be an interesting experiment to see if you can pick up on a "new" field appearing around said psychic. I understand this is probably a group of very skeptical people who most likely need some kind of quantitative proof but hey let's experiment a Little! I really want one more and more now so many theory's to test.


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  1. Any individual who claims to talk to the dead is either lying or mentally ill. Or on drugs. The magnet pics up large magnetic fields, not the sort of emf bs the ghost people even claim the ghosts produce. Their detectors are calibrated to nothing and go off for anything from a live wire being near to someones phone. All video is faked or the people are oblivious. So ya not skeptical to say the least. 

    That all said, i'll get off my soap box and say that if it's a hypothesis you'd like to test, great! What you'll need is a control, say a fridge magnet and a microwave. Now experience those and take detailed notes. Now go to your pyschic and feel around. Maybe you'll get lucky and they're wearing a receiver of some kind and voila you've caught a fraud! or some other tech
  2. Also consider that sensation as reported by a person is next to worthless. Saying I feel something over here by where the monkey got murdered isnt any different than someone saying my psychic sense detects a cold presence in this corner. It's actually a step back from an emf reader.
  3. That was the basic response I expected lol. I think it would be an interesting test to see. My family, me not included, are very big believers in it and have friends that claim it I actually fish with one of them. I'm sure if they are telling the truth and can they would like to attempt this and obviously if lying they won't. I was hoping there may be some people who have thought about this already and tried it out. Is the feelings from devices so specific you can tell what they are?
  4. Also if you know of anyone who can put a magnet in me in the southern Maine area it would be appreciated ;)
  5. Well the signals on emf meters that people try to identify as being ghostly are small. They wouldn't be felt by a magnet implant really. Meters are cheap. Pick one up on ebay or something and test it out that way. Although it still wouldn't be enough to say that a ghost exists at least you could say that a signal of yah magnitude was detected at yah time etc. Have you ever done the visualization game where you really strongly see in your mind a lemon and bite into it? Your body cringes. What you imagine can cause physiological changes. We already have people claiming to feel shit from miles away. A phantom sensation due to expectation I think.
  6. That's an interesting concept I actually haven't tried that but now I want to. Similar to that phantom phone vibrations.
  7. Exactly. This is why I went for an erg during the nir project. Dude, I saw some really cool unique stuff, but the is the potential that I was filling myself due to expectation.
  8. Interesting i wish I was following that when you guys were doing it. I would definitely think that might have something to do with the whole psychic thing. Granted it can't be fully written off though seeing how there isn't any "proof" either way. Do you think the expectation of some one who goes makes the psychic reading real then or do you believe it's a purely good body read on a person? I have to admit I went to one just because but everything that was said had nothing to really do with me where as when my sister did they nailed her godmothers daughter on the head with the reading. (A drawing psychic) she sketched her to a T. I can for sure say she had no way of know what she looked like or was seeing how we aren't related. I don't know but I wonder if they are not so much psychic as they are able to manipulate a field knowingly or unknowingly. I do know fields can mess with a person which might give that perception of a psychic ability to the person thinking they are. I slightly feel like I have left the original intent of my question regarding implants...
  9. Well, I think different people do it different ways. For example horoscopes are based on people wanting to believe. Tell them something vague and they will personalize it. Mentalists use all kinds of tricks life priming and stats etc. Some people are naturally very good at reading others and adjust what they say as they go simply by watching another's face. It's like cold warm warmer. .. until something seemingly meaningful is found. I've found most people involved in the endeavors to be strict atheists. I'm ok with this but am really agnostic myself; however science really isn't designed to explore these things. God's and ghost and powers... this is by definition supernatural. Science studies nature not the super natural. It doesn't prove or disprove anything outside of the natural... that said, these forums aren't really aimed at big lofty ideas. .. not even ones grounded in nature. You won't find many trying to talk about physics except in applied ways, so something neither applicable not grounded in the natural world is kind of unwelcome. I don't mean this in any rude way, but it is the nature of the forum.
  10. Yea I figured that and it wasn't rude. With that said should probably let this one die out. Just on a note remember everything we have as science was at one point supernatural till it was understood.
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