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getting a new magnetic implant few q's

hi everybody.
first time poster long time lurker 
i've finally found a place that will do an implant for £150 iv'e decided to do it and am currently saving the funds.
few questions though
1. how painful is it on a scale of 1 to holy shit   is it similar to a tattoo long does it take to heal
3. how long before i feel electricity 

also one more question 
im so eager id love to somehow externally see what it feels like and to sort of train my body to know the feeling of electricity
it that possible in any way
I do have a magnet in front of me not sure if it is neodymium though it was in a box of my old stuff.
:) thanks all


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  1. just a little update i taped the magnet to my finger where i wanted it implanted and made a microwave burger.
    with my had right next to the microwave i felt a funny tickly feeling like it was vibrating so guess thats how i can try it :3
  2. As far as pain goes, I've had lido for all of my implants so far. Some folks choose to forgo it, but I'm a huge fan of not being in pain so I highly recommend it :)

    I've been using a taped m31 to show off some things to folks without the implant yet, and I've tried it out as well so I could see just how vast the difference is. It's pretty significant!

    Healing will vary between person and procedure. It took a few weeks for my cylinders to give me any feedback, but my m31 started providing a decent signal within days (and accidental contact. Best to let them rest and heal as much as they can as long as you can. Gotta let those nerves grow back and around!)  
  3. ive just ordered some magnets and decided to do the procedure myself.
    ive seen a few implant videos online but not 100% how to do it yet any recomendations @BirdMachine ?
    il have to numb it and buy a scalpel and some alcohol to sanitize prior to the implant but im not sure how deep to cut 
    the magnets themselves are gold plated 4mmX1.5mm 

    im exited now the orders been placed and magnets on the way :D 
  4. Would you mind sharing the link to where you bought them? Also, dont forget to check them (at least the saltwater test)
  5. Sure thing mate got them here and how do I test them? Also Is surgical glue essential or will a plaster and bandage do?
  6. ok,

    1) your magnets are N42, which is pretty weak, even if they are bigger
    2) if you want to go with them anyway the test is basicly finding any dent or chipped gold, best way is by submerging magnet into solution that can dissolve the material under magnet (nickel) - best one known being water + salt. So what you do is make sollution of super salty water and toss the magnets in that. then leave it for 3 days and discard magnets that have bubbles around it. In my experience with gold plated it will be maybe 80% of them. (if they rust in water imagine what would happen in your finger, ewww)
    3) if you dont want to reject, you have to seal the skin, if you dont want to sew yourself get "dermabond" which is like 10$ and if you do more magnets it will be enough for all.
  7. Should just go buy some magnets actually meant for implantation.  Save yourself the trouble of those magnets rejecting.  or post pics when they reject plz!
  8. I agree on getting something folks have already vetted. For a first implant at least. It'll be easier to narrow down what could go wrong. Once you get the basics down, then you can add a flourish :) this is just conjecture however. All of mine have been implanted by someone else, and I'm waiting on the m63 kit I think to finally take that self-implanted step.

    @Cassox has a blog post over on here though I remember hearing word that he's hoping to write up an updated version soon? We also have though it's incomplete as of now. We also have which clarifies issues with a few older techniques.
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