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The 8 Minute Surgery That Will Give You Superhuman Vision

What do you think about this article

Superhuman Vision

I think that it is a big step


Displaying all 8 comments
  1. This is exciting! A friend wants this so badly. Her glasses are like Coke bottles and she can't drive without them. With what the article claims I would be keen on getting it too despite my good vision. This sort of thing should excite the public. Someone with healthy could get this implant and no one would know unless told and it's nothing freaky. How jealous would everyone be if an old lady got these implants and had better vision that everyone else in her office or family?

    TL;DR - Super cool.
  2. What kind of filters could we put in the lenses? Camera filters could change vision and UV filters could protect the eye from macular degeneration. Or see the world through rose-colored Bionic Lenses
  3. As a person who has vision issues, I really hope this finishes development in the near future.

  4. Followed it back to the original article. The cs article is just a copy paste of that. Followed it back to the original website. No sources. No names of doctors. A celebrity endorsement section (?) which is of course, empty. It looks like a load of bs. Also, what does 3x 20/20 vision mean? 20/20 means that things 20 ft away look 20 ft away. Does it mean you can see further without issues in the near range or....? It seems pretty bogus.
  5. CS article? Not certain what you mean by that @glims. If you could provide links and such, that'd be handy.
  6. sorry, i meant ce (collective evolution). a charming sight where they also discuss chakras.

    that links back to the cbc site.

    The only link from there is the company website  A veritable ghostland of shiny background pics and pages with no content.  It honestly feels like one of those websites that they build for an AR game...

    now i'm not saying it's completely bogus. the dude does have a degree and all... it's just that there is no hard information about this thing at all. i mean, it's an interoccular lens. Those have been around for a while. beyond that... shrug.
  7. I can't wait to see this completed. However, "would allow people to see to infinity," what the heck is this supposed to mean? 

    An 8 minute surgery for this is nuts though.
  8. It's likely bullshit. Just like the rest. Until they show a demonstration or some papers/data I consider the whole thing a sham. But then again, who knows and only time will tell.
Displaying all 8 comments