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training dem magnetic feel

Hey all,

Ive had a m31 in my left pinky since april 10. The first weeks was awesome. I could feel every flipping field around me. Then it went away, as expected. (although i did feel it when i stood a couple meters away from a 30x20 cm electromagnet)  But yesterday, i experienced my first magnetic field again, by holding my pinky within a couple centimeters from my laptop charger. Awesome. however, i can wave my pinky within milimeters of my microwave (turned on) without feeling anything. I also have yet to experience fields in the public.

Now i was wondering, how does one train its magnetic vision, or will it develop naturally (because its setteling in?, (although there have not been any visual changes for a month)

P.S during the first weeks, i kept track of any possible physical rejection by looking trough it with my phone led in a dark room. ive not seen that tip online yet?