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Looking to Interview Grinders

Hey all,

I'm a journalist who's working on a long-form non-fiction piece. It's about the future of the human body and how the conflicts over that future body (is enhancement ok? if so, what processes are "safe" or "allowed"? what should the body look like? who gets to decide? etc) highlight current struggles over what the modern body "can" and "can not" look like. 

I've talked to a decent number of the bigger-name folks from here already, and that's been awesome. However, a lot of the issues at stake deal particularly with people who have bodies that society doesn't treat well or tries to write out of existence (people of color, female-bodied people, gender non-conforming people). Many of the grinders I've interviewed have been super articulate and thoughtful about these issues. However, most of the people I've found don't have first-hand experience with them, since they don't belong to identities affected by them. I'm, as a journalist, not super comfortable writing about issues that involve marginalized groups without also making sure to include their voices and perspectives.

So, to that effect, I'd really like to find the voices of female individuals, gender non-conforming folks, and POC. If anybody is willing to lend me some of their time, you can contact me at [email protected] or respond to me a bit here. 


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  1. Hi there! Expect and email to appear in your inbox shortly :) Just wanted to also publicly say thanks for reaching out, though! It really reflects well that you're looking to have these conversations with folks from different backgrounds. Looking forward to hopefully getting to chat (and reading what you've written up once you've finished)!
  2. Awesome, I look forward to hearing from you!
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