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New to forum... Introductions... and questions

I am an IT guy in the Atlanta area. I have wanted magnetic finger implants since I first heard about them. I recently reconnected with a college friend who, it turns out, is an anesthesiologist. He's willing to implant them for me.
So I ordered the magnets... part number VP782-3-150 at VP Scientific
I just got them today and... wow, they are small.
My friend intends to inject them into my fingers. He wants to tourniquet off the hand so it doesn't bleed, and then inject them. We want to do one in each finger.
His concern is that they are not gold plated. He thinks that the best way to make sure your body doesn't reject it is to gold plate it. He had this idea of going to Dahlonega, GA and getting gold, and coating them myself. I told him that people on this site were getting these parylene-coated ones, and making a silicone mold around them and then injecting them.
So here are my questions... Should I return these and get something gold-plated? He recommended something like this,,but I'd have to find a US version (this company is in the UK). Should I just gold plate them myself?
Does anyone have any information about creating the mold around the parylene-coated ones?

I've looked at the Implant stories thread and there are lots of stories about them being rejected. I really don't want that to happen. So I would like to hear people's thoughts. Cost really isn't an object. I thought I would have to go to a hand surgeon and get general anesthesia, and I even called one, but he said he wouldn't implant them since they are not FDA approved (a nice way of telling me I'm crazy...)

I am asking for any sort of feedback from people who have done this before. This is such a niche-market. I just want it to work the first time and never have to worry about it ever again.


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  1. The recommended magnets for finger implants are the m31s from Dangerous Things. These magnets are coated in titanium nitride, the the same material used in contacts in joint (think knee or hip) replacement implants. The m31s were designed by specifically for implantation. grindergrinder I have two m31s myself, in my middle and ring fingers of my left hand and am quite happy with them. If you go with gold, paralyne, or silicon injecting them probably is not the greatest idea, since those materials scratch fairly easily. Whatever route you go, I hope you love your magnets.
  2. I can chime in with an m31 as well. Got it installed with a scalpel last fall, and have faced no complications with it. I also have 2 paralyne that have been fine for the last year. They were installed using a needle to make a pocket they were then tucked into though, as opposed to any type of injection. Gotta keep that coating safe!
  3. If it's not too late, I have an m31 in my right hand and a larger one in my left. The m31 is largely useless for anything besides detecting electromagnetic fields. It can't pick up anything. Not even close.
  4. I had the surgery about ten days ago, on Friday August 8: I had the M31 magnet implanted in each of my fingers on my left hand. The procedure was as clinical as we could get it: I had an antibiotic IV in my right hand. We used a blood pressure monitor to cut off circulation to the left arm. I was given a local anesthetic. The blood was compressed out of the left arm. The arm was sterilized with a non-iodine based sanitizer. There was a small cut, like with an exacto knife, and the magnet was inserted into each finger. Dermabond sealed the incisions, followed by adhesive steristrips.
    After two days I replaced the bandaids. After four days I replaced the steristrips and the bandaids. After a week I took off the steristrips, and am now just using bandaids. The thumb is a little sore still, but it should be O.K.
    As singlerider pointed out – nothing. I can’t lift even a paperclip. I can feel pain when near magnetic fields and that’s all.

  5. The m31 is primarily designed for sensation, from the way I understand it. You may want to give them at least a month to fully heal internally while the nerve endings continue to knit back around it. Vibrating it around before the internal healing is finished could cause rejection, or worse. Skin's great at healing, but inside can take a bit longer.

    The types of magnets made specifically for lifting are the larger cylinders which typically fit along the side of the hands, as they're too large for most finger pads. There's the m63 in the works for this specific purpose, as well as some others that have been historically used before. Though, not being able to get a paperclip does sound a bit surprising. Can you get a partial lift? How deep are they placed? Depth can have a huge impact on this.
  6. It took me some time to be able to lift ANYTHING. be patient and don't play with it! let it heal for 2 months before you go trying to stick things to it or feel around anything.
  7. @singlerider thats weird, my M31 can pick up all sorts of things. like screws, paper clips, and even as much as an empty key ring.
  8. Yeah, it works. I took the band-aids off today and was able to pick up paper clips. Maybe I have lead-based band-aids? LOL. Thanks for the info Bird and Avanthus. I'll try to avoid playing with them for another month and a half.
    There's all sorts of stuff that's magnetic that I knew was magnetic but it never registered to my consciousness: My name tag at work, the case for my Nexus 7, the book demagnetizer at the library... I'm finding new stuff all the time.

  9. distance affects the amount of pull your magnet has on things you try to pick up with it.  it might not seem like much, but that extra distance created by the bandage reduces the apparent strength of your magnet.  so does the internal swelling going on for the next few months as you heal from the implant. 
  10. 5 months later: My implants are fine. I was worried about a vacation I took at Christmas: I flew through Paris on my way to Singapore and back again through Amsterdam. I left from the ATL airport. I was worried I'd set off the metal detectors and get arrested. Especially in Singapore, which is a no-nonsense country, but I was afraid of also having problems in Paris in light of the recent terrorist attacks. The metal detectors do hot actually detect metal, however. They do a full body scan and see trough you. You hold your hands up and it's more like an X-ray than a detection. They say you can keep your rings on, so my implants were insignificant. In the "lesser airports" that don't do the full body scan, they can't detect the M31 implant either (but you do have to take off your belt and rings). The wand metal detectors don't detect them either (I got wanded somewhere because I beeped because of my belt)

    FWIW drugs are illegal in the airport in Amsterdam. I found out the hard way. Not sure what the ramifications are in the long run, I just got written up by the customs official, and my mushrooms were confiscated.
  11. I know that you can 'sense' an electromagnetic field with the finger magnets. But does it actually provide that much resistance to the finger. And would it feel the same way as it does when you touch something gently? How does this affect say, an MRI scan.If it does is there a way to avoid any consequences?I have been thinking of getting them for a while and am finally getting around to it. And lastly is a tourniquet suggested?

    Thanks for the Help 
  12. The way I've explained it to people is it's like feeling heat. Imagine if you could only feel heat on your fingertips. If you wave them over a candle flame it feels hot, but not enough to hurt. If you hold them over a forge that's hot enough to melt iron, they will hurt. Same with the magnets. The power of a speaker in a bluetooth speaker feels cool; the power of an electromagnet is so intense it almost hurts. But it still feels cool.

    I would try to avoid an MRI if you get the implants.

    I've found the medical profession in general to be open to them, I got a biopsy at a dermatologist. I told him I had implants. He didn't ask for details, just gave me a prescription for antibiotics. I got the antibiotics, we did the surgery and it was a done deal. My dad has an artificial hip. A movable joint is way more problematic than a small magnet, but people do it.

    The blood pressure monitor I used as a tourniquet was not solely to cut off circulation to my arm/hand, but mainly to prevent the local anesthetic from going to my heart. How you do it is up to you but I would recommend not doing it to yourself.
  13. The MRI thing has been talked to death on this page for magnets @cossax did some tests regarding it and I believe it didn't do any sort of harm. He would be the person to ask about an MRI and what you might expect from it.
  14. I think you mean @cassox
  15. Thanks for the catch lol.
  16. Going way back up in the thread why don't we start using magnetic shielding, even weak shielding as a part of the healing process for magnets. Wouldn't it decrease the chance of rejection even at the cost of a bit of awkwardness for a couple of weeks. I would love to see some experimenting done with it to see if it is worth it in people who have high rejection rates.
  17. Already planning on using aluminum finger splints when I do mine to protect my fingers. ^^ moreso for physical trauma but I see no reason why this would not give some protection by distance isolation.
  18. Thank you, please tell us how it works out.
  19. hello! so i'm new here and this looked as good as any place to jump in and say hello ^_^
    also wanted to share my story of implanting magnets. all of this was done in a sterile environment with tools and anesthetics ordered from dangerousthings. all done by me to me :P
    i ordered my magnets in from 1.5mmx.075mm N52grade gold plated. they were like 10 cents each.
     then i tested all of them (100 units) by leaving them in saltwater for 30 days. after that i grabbed the ones that didn't react and i looked at them with a great magnifying glass and only selected the most flawless (of course this may not be true at the microscopic level.
    i then sent them to be coated with paylene. in the end i endedup with 6 perfect magnets (i ordered them to be in a set of two and four after the coating). so in the end i had two magnets (1.5mmx1.5mm) and (1.5mmx3mm)
    i implanted both myself using a 12G piercing needle and a 14G steel rod to "inject" the little one in my left pinky and the other in my left index finger.
    its been 4 days :P

    currently taking 800mg of Ibuprofen about ever 10-12 hours applying fresh antibac twice a day and changing band-aids at the same time.
    @Zerbula i had that exact same idea but found the splinting effect made the swelling worse for me so i just wrap it with a short piece of ace bandage to allow some pressure but still allow flexability. i ice it if it hurts but it doesn't hurt anymore
  20. Looks clean. Can't zoom in enough to see an incision but... no discoloration is good. Congrats. Who did you have coat them?
  21. atonometrics here in austin, tx. its a solar panel company my mom works for. i got her to coat them. sorry wish i could have had better info/photos
  22. both were done at the same time with the same magnet and method. the nasty looking one is my pinky mind you it is day 5
  23. You went for under the pad?
  24. no  they are on the side of the finger and just deep enough to not be viable. draw a line down from the point of insertion to roughly 3/8 inch down, thats where the mag is.i did yank out the pinky magnet a few minutes ago.  the pinky became so painful that cuting it out without numbing was a cake walk in comparison. it was in a pocket filled with yellow/green pus and relief was instant so i think i made the right choice rejection seemed to be caused by insertion error as the coating isn't compromised. though the index finger is healing beautifully, barley can see that the finger is still injured.
  25. [revised] Well I was suggesting to take antibiotics to try and save it or to cut it open and remove it.  You did the route I would've taken.  Let it heal up before trying again and be sure to really get that magnet sanitized very good before trying with the same magnet again.
  26. i just hope it heals ok as i did a lot of damage trying to get them out. the magnet had moved 4mm so the first incision was pointless and the second, i couldn't see very well inside of the finger, so its jagged and uneven. i was just happy i got my hard won magnet back out without ruining it.
  27. heres the bloody aftermath
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