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Glass Encapulation for Uncommon / Secured tags


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  1. I acetone'd one of my cards here -

    Interesting thing to note at this stage is that it's a little different to the ones others have posted, and more importantly, some of those traces were broken and it still scans fine. I may play around with disconnecting as many of those traces as I can and finding out how many/which are required for it to still be NFC capable, as that'll help me when I go to actually put in the main brains I guess.

    Anyone have any idea wtf most of those are doing though? It looks super inefficient to have that many different traces over the entire card.
  2. Big lines on the bottom are the magstripe for swiping, top left is probably efficiency boosting RF collector, the swirl around the chip is nfc. The six pads around a larger center seventh is an insert read type. Common on rfid cards.
  3. oh and the thin outside loops you lost are the standard rfid lines.
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