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Night Vision


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  1. Don't forget about the insulin. Actually useful in this situation. Everyone keeps focusing on the dmso, but the insulin in (i think) the cool part of the hack.

    btw I'm keeping up on this, and interested, I'm just holding back on any long expositions at this point. 

    From a "we want it to be proper science" there is one thing to consider with the "soup". We should most definitely test individual molecules first before going the soup route. I think ideally you want to start with the fewest number of ingredients and see how it changes with each additional ingredient. This is the very obvious "if you have 12 things floating around, you can't actually make a declarative about which molecules are doing what" issue. It could actually just be two of them, or one, or a synergistic combination, or something else.
    Now if you are just going for hey this works.  then maybe that's not so important... but ti should be.

    While doing a column purification is dirt easy, remember that access to those things is really restrictive. I would also be interested in seeing the yield amounts.  We had discussed purification our own A2 at one point and the logistics of getting 50lbs of cod livers for 50ug of A2 really put a crimp in that plan...
  2. Well, there's always the "Let's go Fishing" option. And why not just make a community column purification rig, if getting access to one is so much of a bother. 

    On another note, would a centrifuge do the job?
  3. hello ^^ very happy to meet the ir technique for eyes people :) i have always wondered about that. Would it also be makable for UV?
  4. UV is already doable but it's mechanical instead of chemical. Many people get slight UV vision when they have eye surgery, however this heals. I am unsure how you would make a permanent adjustment to the eye in that way.
  5. I've heard rumors about the possibility of implants that would allow permanent night vision, and maybe even infrared or thermal as well. Anybody know what it would take to do something like that? I've got a set of night vision goggles, I just wanted to know if they make any of the tech small enough for implants or maybe glasses?
  6. That should 100% be called the Predator vision upgrade. For any chemical enhancements would it be possible to choose that day to see what you felt like seeing by having around 4 sets of contact lenses in cases of the applicable chemical? This would also speed up the coating as I read Ce6 took an hour to start working. 

    Just until we get a permanent upgrade developed.

  7. What about the pupil dialation drops? Wouldn't that help with minimal light reception? 
  8. @Donovan880 @EmberErikson
    Maybe the contact lenses could be coated in chemicals that could trigger the mechanism that makes our pupils dilate, therefore artificially enhancing our night vision by causing our pupils to grow bigger than they would by themselves? I'm also experimenting with an attachment for glasses that would enable night vision, and could either be triggered by a light sensor or a small switch (essentially incognito night vision goggles). Either way, it could prove to be quite useful.
  9. I fyou coated a contact with a chemical, it would be just like dropping it in your eye, but long term. There's no switchability.
    Putting a mydratic in your eye would make you dangerously susceptible to light.
    Also, I'm not sure, but I think in the dark your eyes are already fully dilated. This may not help
  10. I'm not sure how it works for others, but I know that my own pupils don't expand fully when I'm in the dark. I read something about a guy who injected a chemical into his eyes to give him night vision, and it's likely the same solution I'd use for my contacts. If it doesn't pan out, I'd still have my glasses idea.
  11. i'm going to go out here on a limb and say that "this guy" didn't inject the chemicals, he just used eye drops. And that maybe the effects were less than stellar. Mild to mediocre at best. And also that he might have discussed the contact lens idea with some people on this board and it was rejected for the above issues.


    also, how do you know how much your pupils expand in the dark?
  12. I wanted to see how quickly my pupils expanded, as well as how large they grew. I linked a camera to my night vision goggles and timed it to take a rapid series of photos while I sat in the dark. They expanded over the course of a few minutes, but didn't get very large. They only expanded by about 2-3 mm, whereas most people would have an expansion of about 8mm or so. And as for that guy, there's an article:
    It was temporary, but I bet it could be possible to make it more permanent, either through a solution to soak contacts in, or maybe even other means. (I also apologize, as I was wrong earlier. He did in fact get eyedrops instead of an injection, that was my bad.)
  13. I thought I was being clever there, but I failed... That guy is me. I'm the one in the chair and @Cassox is the one putting the drops in.

    The chemical gets broken down inside the body, so the permanency is still an issue. Also, there is the issue that it may be dangerous to have it during the day. As it was, the effectiveness of the treatment was low, and it lasted for about 4 hours, which seemed like enough time.

    Try the gizmodo article. they do a better job of talking about it and they talk to the researcher who developed the work we based it on. LINK
  14. I got it @glims no worries
  15. @glims
    What was it like, having it done? Was the sensation odd? And how badly was your day vision affected?
  16. It wore off by daytime and was mild when in effect, to say the least. I'm sure everyone here is tired of hearing about it, so I suggest the node or gizmodo articles to read more about the experience.
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