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Virtual Reality Bible

I'm starting work on a project and though I would see if there's any interest in collaboration. Most of the cool stuff being done here is by the people in the medical / bio field. There isn't a whole lot for us in other professions to do other than implement and be guinea pigs. Hopefully this will be something that media / 3d modelers / audio designers etc could get on board with and contribute to. 

So here's what I'm thinking - a collection of media and information in a VR world. Something that people can explore a bit and get an idea of what projects have been worked on, what's going on in the scene and where we are going. I've got a couple of experiences all ready in mind

1) Ce6 / NIR simulator - you find yourself in a dark starry environment. pressing a button toggles regular vision / enhanced vision. the night sky will change, you will be able to pick out more detail in shadows, lights will subtly change color and intensity etc. 

2) EM field visualiser -  you find yourself in a room/house activating your magnet lets you visualize the different fields around you. You can see the size, intensity, current etc. We can play with localized sounds to have a slight hum when you approach too. I would also like to be able to visualize magnetic pull, but not sure what the best way to communicate that is. 

3) A 3d model that you can xray / zoom in on. Here we can show all possible current implants and have brief descriptions of how they work IE model a detailed multi level fingertip with nerves and show how placement affects the senses. 

4) Sandbox visualizer for all things beyond our senses. IE same room, but you can toggle thermal vision, change your color spectrum, see sound etc. Basically a controllable synesthesic experience.  

5) Video room - just a collection of videos from biohackers shown on a large screen with a simple interface. 

So - any other environments you guys would like to see? Anyone with 3d / media skills who wants to join in? I'm assembling assets now, and will have a github project setup by next week. Probably going to develop this in Unity because Unreals media controller sucks. 

Edit: Btw - I'm envisioning this as a vr project designed to run n desktop using Oculus / Vive, might be worth looking into making it run on the Gear VR or google glass, but that's something we could look into in the future. 


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  1. For the EM field visualizer, a dynamic graph depicting field strength would be a good way, with labels denoting real world analogues to the field strength (i.e. fridge magnets, HDD magnets, etc.) Things that most people know about. Or you could just vibrate the frame in relation to the field strength.
  2. Yea, I'm picturing actual representations of the field using shaders / particle effects. It would be interesting to have the real data floating above the devices as well. 

    Something kind of like this: but with more energy and a non uniform shape IE should have dense spots and weak spots. 
  3. comming from 3d realtime development i can say that it's not too hard , given you have the input images. toggling normal/thermal vision is a simple texture replacement. literally 2 lines of code (if you include loading). Shifting colors in a shader is a pretty simple operation,too. Playing videos in the engine is also no problem. There was experimental oculus support, not sure about the current status tho. i'm a bit short on time but if someone is dedicated enough to produce the artwork in let's say blender/max/maya i'd be willing to write the application using panda3d as a framework. Since it's python based it's super easy to wire up external sensors or actuators. Controlling a glove with vibration sensors would be a breeze. A good ammount of VR gear is supported out of the box and applications run on mac/lin/win/bsd/(experimental webgl export). and before anyone complains about the toon-styled screenshots in the gallery:
  4. Yea, technically it's all simple. Just a matter of getting most of the assets made and putting them together. I would like to eventually be able to link this out to non VR things. 

    There are some cheap thermal camera's starting to show up on the market I bet within a year there will be something we could mount on top of a VR device for a cool vision project. It would be cool to have a system where you could plug in different camera's to see new parts of the spectrum in a live view. 

    Getting a webcam feeding into a rift is trivial - shouldn't be any different for IR/UV cameras. Maybe some special drivers or whatever. 
  5. There are cheap flir cameras coming out sure, but I haven't seen a cheap one with a resolution that's worth anything.
  6. Easy enough. If the camera works as a standard webcam it's trivial to add. There are Industrial cameras doing that. if the camera doesn't, one may have to write a fake driver or stream over network. Not quite as elegant and higher delay , but possible.
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