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Gratuitous Off-Topic Post about SfM

We're kaput folks. Splat.
It was an interesting trip, but due to irreconcilable personal differences, @Cassox and @glims have parted ways.

Why should anyone care? Meh, I doubt you really should. @Cassox is still out in Cali with the medical space. @glims is up in Seattle with all the biology tools. Everyone is still working and doing cool stuff. Just not in the same location. 

The website is now a personal blog. Tbh, it always was, we just fancied it up. It will be up for background info in case anyone wants to do a bit of backlog reading, as well as updates if I actually do anything. @Cassox asked that I remove his posts under intellectual property concerns, so there may be a couple of holes, as that is his prerogative. Luckily @Saal made most of the early posts so there's quite a bit there.

Let's keep any questions and or comments related to peoples personal lives somewhere else. Just a suggestion, I just don't think it's the place. 

EDIT: I've requested that this post be closed and sunk in 24hrs. There is no reason to waste extra time talking about this. Don't we have something better to do? -_-


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  1. question far cassox - Will you be updating your augmentation limitless blog? You can put the posts from SfM there.
  2. Yep. It's all in the works.
  3. Well that's a shame, you two seemed to be a great team and know what you're doing. 
  4. It happens eventually. All the great bands eventually break up. Nobody died, and the community still has access to your expertise. And y'all did some damn cool stuff together. 
  5. Yea, we got more momentum in the past 6 months than in the previous year. The scene had honestly stagnated for a while and now there are a dozen active projects. Bummer to hear you guys are going separate ways, but your energy really helped light a fire in the community. 
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