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Magnets and N-Acetyl Semax

I have been personally experimenting with N-Acetyl Semax for the past week and one of the immediate effects I perceive is a raise in awareness and sensory stimulation. It also raises NGF and BDNF in the brain (I don't know if intranasal administration would stimulate nerve growth in the body). I would love to post my observations if I had an implant myself but I was wondering how Semax has affected those who do have magnets.


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  1. I have an implant and after reading this and visiting and reading a lot of information on Semax I think I am going to order some and do an experiment myself.
  2. Hey nothreat33, did you ever follow through and purchase the Semax? I've taken a break from Semax (too expensive) but I do plan on getting a magnet soon.
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