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My senses are getting weaker?

I got a magnetic implant about 6 months ago, a little bit more. I was told that it would take 6 months for my magnetic senses to fully develop, however it seems like they're actually getting weaker. I've never really been able to feel power running through cords, or too many things. I got it while on vacation 6 months ago, and now is the first time I am returning to the apartment where I got it. I noticed it was weaker because when I was using the microwave I noticed that I needed to keep my finger a lot closer to the microwave to feel it then when I was using the same microwave 6 months ago, a few weeks after I got it.

Has anyone else experienced this? It seems I'm able to pick up objects of the same weight as I've always been able to, but I could be wrong about that. Any tips on gaining/training my senses to sense magnetic fields any better?



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  1. Not to pry or anything, but do you have any other medical conditions that could potentially slow healing/minimize sensitivity in the area (i.e. Diabetes, Diseases affecting the regrowth/functioning of nerves, Carpal Tunnel)? Some other possibilities include injuries to the implant site, and certain nutritional deficiencies (If they're affecting the nerves in your hands, you've got bigger problems, though, so this particular possibility isn't a likely one). What sort of magnet implant did you get, and who did the implant?
  2. Did you mess around with it too soon while it was healing? This could have caused a greater amount of scare tissue to form -desensitizing it.
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