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Gold/Silver coating magnets
Hello there guys.
I recently decided to implant a total of 5 magnets on the tips of all the fingers on my left hand. I already have a source for scalpels, sterilization material and anesthetic. However, I ran into a monetary problem when going for the magnets themselves. I can’t afford 5 of the ideal magnets ( ) as I just do not have 250US$ do spend.
However, i won’t just give up, and I came up with a solution.
I bought the exact same magnets, but with the standard nickel coating for about 2 bucks ( ). But nickel coating is obviously not safe for implant.
I’m going to electroplate the magnets using much more biocompatible metal. I have both gold and silver at my disposal in the form of 2 coins (,ZN2MIis#0 ). My question is: How exactly do I electroplate the magnets and which metal is better? Gold, or silver?
I would say that gold is better but why not go for both? But first you may want to try to get them pre-coated, the quality will be much better than if you coat it yourself. Some people here may have some magnets left from the group buy ( and ), But it depends what budget you may have on hand, if you want to become magnet lord (and maybe sell some to your friends) for like 150 bucks you can get about 450 magnets coated in gold AND parylene from KJmagnetics (try out their custom magnet form, one of the magnets 3x1 mm coated Ni-Cu-Ni-Au-Parylene should be around 0,36$). If you go for that, contact me in PM, I may buy some off of you.
Annnd again we go through the motions. Tips of the fingers are a shit place to put them. You use that area a lot it'll irritate the magnets and they will reject. I wanted to do 10 originally. Now I'm sitting currently with zero. Calm your horses and start with a few and let them heal. Put them in a good place. Think this through. As to the not affording it. Honestly I maintain this is like a tattoo. Just cause there are cheaper alternatives that doesn't mean they're better. Yes gold will work but you'll probably damage the magnets and as a coating it really doesn't hold up well. As i've said more times then I feel like counting, the standard is the standard for a bloody reason. Also if we have to explain how to electroplate things and I don't mean offense by this but if something so simple is beyond you then you will more than likely screw it up and waste your gold and if you implant the magnets they'll reject fairly quickly. Silver is not biocompatible and oxidizes readily. So I'll say it one more time. Read through the other threads. Read the wiki. READ ALL THE THINGS. You will find your answers as to why what your doing won't work well there. Look at all the people who have failed with the best magnets available. Hack magnets have an even greater chance of failing miserably. SO, calm, slow down and save up if you're hell bent on 5. Otherwise pay for a proper piece of tech and do this properly. And for fuck sakes don't put them in the tips of your fingers unless you feel like hella pain.
The thing is, these "standards" shift pretty quickly. 2 years ago it was Haworths gold + silicone and after few groupbuys it was gold + parylene. Now it's TiN. But I too think that these are kind of overpriced (yes I know there was lots of money spent on making it but c'mon, 50$ for a magnet?). Anyway, do NOT try to coat them unless you want to end like that guy on youtube (self coated magnets with gold that went out pretty painfully few months later). If you want anything cheaper, try to get the gold + parylene, or just get 1 TiN and test how you like it. Btw. Implanting more magnets at once may be cheaper but expect more magnets to reject
Ok. Thanks for the tips both of you. I know electroplating is easy, but I still asked just in case you had some tips.I think I will go in in one of those group buys then. It is more expansive than what I had in mind, but safer. Will look through the wiki and foruns again too but if you dont mind awnsering here for conviniemce, what place do you recommend implanting the magnets if not on the fingertips?
Well, I put some serious consideration into electroplating. Vacuum deposition plasma shit has a couple of downssides... particularly heat. A pro jewler electroplating system should be cheap used or easily built as a project. Im not impressed by gold though. Consider something like Palladium or Platinum. The initial investment would be high but it's the only thing that could bedone at home comparible to TiN. If you are sold on gold, they are super cheap and easy to find. Regardless please write up the experience so peopple can learn from
Oh and rhodium. It stood out as being a great option.
Also can you be more specific about the location you want to place them in? Do you mean like the distal segments of the fingers or the literal tips?
I tought about the opposite side of the nails. Make a small incison on the side and place them there. But I am also considering placing them in the second falange, about in the middle of the finger.