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Implant stimulation, hearing aids, and coil watches.


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    Did some electrical work the other day (Tuesday). No measurable results quite yet. I'll keep you guys updated as we proceed to science.
  2. How are you charging those caps in series? Do you have a kV transformer?
  3. We wired up an AC converter from an old laptop of mine to charge the capacitor bank.
  4. How much voltage does that put out?
  5. We honestly just strapped them all together in different variations to see how big we could blast EMF. In picture number... 6, you can see the huge speaker we used. This was only day 1 though. We have only scratched the surface of the EMP we want to generate. Right now we're at about 2-3".
  6. I have a fair bit of experience building this kind of circuit out of photoflashes. I built a few coilguns back in highschool, and it's almost exactly the same setup. I used 8 caps in parallel with one of the transformers from the flash circuit. Measuring the voltage across the caps with a voltmeter, I let let them charge until they were pretty much full. Then a flip of a switch and pow. Nail through a cereal box. Be careful, because that much of an impulse could possibly rip the magnet right out of your finger. With your caps in series, the capacitance decreases and the working voltage increases. A really high working voltage dumped into an inductor will induce a massive current spike, and consequently a strong field. If you're using a laptop power supply giving >20v, you're only getting a tiny fraction of your potential out of that bank. Wire them up in parallel and use the transformer from the board in tandem with a decent benchtop supply, and you'll get some serious power. If you're industrious, cascade the transformers and use the caps in series, and your emp will be seriously strong. Since these caps are ~350v, putting 6 in series nets you 2.1kV going into your coil. That is a hella strong pulse.

    tl;dr Read up on DIY coilgun design, that's exactly what you're doing, any problem you will face has probably already been solved.
  7. decent way to fry delicate electronics. This setup will never pass any EMC regulations ;)
  8. @ElectricFeel
    I absolutely agree and that's what I told my friend. We just got lazy with the pictures toward the end. They're in parallel now.
  9. Sweet deal. More pictures!
  10. @FrankMatheson When you were using the t-coil did you put your finger in your ear and call your voicemail? It's cool. 

    I always wanted to hook my coil system up to the t-coil broadcasts but I'm not sure how to intercept them. I hear there are public places where t-coil messages play on loop and some of the messages are outdated and forgotten but the facilities never turned them off (or forgot how).
  11. The problem with sticking the magnet in my ear and listening to the voicemail is that it still makes noise. So even if the magnet DID pick up the sound and move it to my ear, it would be drowned out by the normal sound coming from the phone. So really feeling the vibration was the best method.
  12. any updates?  have you achieved sensation at the distance from wrist to fingertip yet?
  13. No updates unfortunately. Life has taken a turn for the livelier. Work, school, parties, barbecues. I don't know when I'll get back to this.
  14. I've been tossing around ideas of a wrist based device which is why i asked, but it seems like the distance is a huge obstacle and i might just have the coil extend out to the finger on a ring with the rest of the components on the wrist where there is more space.  Maybe someone has the schematics for the bottlenose?  Are they just pumping a square wave through the coil to produce the vibrations?
  15. The pass a square pulse through, yeah. It's unamplified output from an arduino iirc
  16. so amplifying the signal would increase the distance possible to achieve vibration between coil to magnet?
  17. To an extent yes.
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