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Future Transdermal Project Groundwork

So, with the recent developments in transdermal technology, I've begun looking into ways of utilizing it to develop something along the lines of Jensen's eye-wear (For those of you unfamiliar with the Deus Ex series, I'll provide clarification later). I suspect that the first generation of such a device will likely be comparable to a pair of clip-on sunglasses, however, looks aren't really the reason I'm proposing such a thing. If you want to ask the "why do it", I'll gladly answer in a later post but for now, I'd rather focus on the how. 
Starting with a basic proposal of the implant itself:
  • Implant 2-3 transdermal anchors (Diameter of 3.5 mm?)  in the zygomatic bones, one directly to the side of the point where the upper and lower eyelids meet, one roughly 1.5 centimeters below, following the curve of the bone around the eye-socket, and, if necessary, a final anchor 1.5 centimeters further around the edge of the eyesocket.(3 would be pushing it, depending on implant sites, because of the nerve running in that region) Fortunately, there are no major arteries or veins running through this region, assuming you don't stray too far down the zygomatic bone (if you drew a horizontal line at the bottom edge of the nose straight to either side of the face, you'd come close to the facial arteries that run near the zygomatic bones.These anchors should be flush with the skin, with a 2 - 2.5 millimeter deep, 2 millimeter wide cylindrical depression bored into each for the purposes of attaching the outer mechanism.

  • External mechanism:  mounted on the aforementioned anchors, with necessary safety-release features incorporated(to be designed at a later date, based on whatever feedback I get, because no one wants to get chunks of bone ripped out of their face). The mechanism(The overall implant, not the safety stuff) will consist of a single poly-carbonate lens for each eye, configured to allow retraction to the side at will. Vibrators, configured to receive bluetooth or wired signal from a southpaw-like device, or even a smart phone, could potentially be incorporated, in addition to the ever popular invisible headphone project. I'd eventually like to work up to housing the lens subdermally, but that's... Tricky... In terms of power sources, since the powered bits are on the outside, it can be charged like a bluetooth headset. There are also batteries and such which ought to provide more than enough power for reasonable use in a size that's totally workable.

I'm also aware of the potential risks posed by bone infections and facial nerve damage. That aside, Have at it, my colleagues!


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  1. The next issue I'd like some feedback on is the implantation procedure itself. I propose making a straight 6 millimeter incision centered on the implant sight, tracking the curve of the zygomatic bone.  This incision should be made with considerable precision. The skin should then be resected, further incisions made to resect the adipose tissue, and expose the Orbicularis oculi muscle. As small an incision as possible should be made, so as to minimize damage to this muscle. Once the muscle is resected to expose the zygomatic bone in the first implant location, the proper measure should be taken to attach the anchor to the bone(Sorry. haven't done my ITAP procedure research, so I'm not really sure what this entails). Work your way back up, taking care to stitch the muscles back together in a way that won't cause too much stress during the healing process, so that a relatively undisturbed appearance is maintained. repeat at second location. 

    NOTE:  Incomplete. Will add more tomorrow, after proper research on bone implant implantation procedures is conducted. P.S. Does anyone know where you can source the "barbed sutures" cosmetic surgeons use for facial surgery? These supposedly cause less scarring.

    Also @cassox is there anyway this procedure could be performed under local anesthesia, with a  nerve block of the zygomatic nerve in place?

    Upon further examination, it appears that it might be possible to either move the Orbicularis oculi out of the way without any incisions, or avoid it altogether.
  2. I thought a little about this some months ago, the approach I was considering was to get barbell piercings through the eyebrows and/or noseridge, and use jewelry with magnetic ends to hold a pair of clip-on sunglasses in place. Might be easier/safer than stuff dealing with bone or transdermals?
  3. That's true. You'd have to get used to that extra weight, though. I find the bone anchors appealing because they provide a new method of delivering data, similar to the invisible headphones, but with more clarity. Would magnetic piercings be able to support the added weight of induction coils for the invisible headphones, as well as whatever else we decide to incorporate?
  4. The nose bridge glasses are already a thing
  5. So, is the piercing held in place solely by adipose and dermal tissue? Or is there some cartilage being thrown into the mix? From what I can tell, there are a few potential problems with using such a system. For one, it looks like the lenses have a tendency to rotate at will. Further, the lenses are held a bit far off the face (Good for glasses, perhaps, but not so great for sunglasses). 

    Perhaps 1 or 2 of these piercings, with modified brackets, could be used to create an inner receiver/anchor point for the lenses. Piercings also dodge the nerve-damage bullet to some extent, I presume. I'm going to try and produce a CAD drawing of my idea, but it might take a while, since I have almost no experience with CAD drawing.

    @AlexSmith Nice link, by the way. Do you have any suggestions in terms of piercing gauge/model, if we were going to do a mod like that?
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