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Human Geiger Counter


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  1. Well. That's a sentence.

    k lets address this in order then. First off, no to all of the above. Doismeters are single use almost exclusively, give no useful data and are useless in daily life. So basically forget using them.

    Now as to your body sensing more than we realize, unless my understanding of biology is off, this is not a thing, but someone correct me if im wrong and supply the paper backing you. Sorry but no amount of sensing chackras is gonna help here. We can't just detect a color change happening under our skin if we can't see it. Also heating a crystal under our skin, also no good.

    We need a simple way or relaying the information coming from the detector to us. In this case we have 2 options, some LEDS or a small shock. The latter is an option is we only wanna be aware of major radiation. The former is better for constant monitoring as it can give us not only information about the presence of radiation but also the level. 
  2. Gut a pocket Geiger counter and add a hepatic feedback to the speaker wires
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