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Self Surgery

So I've decided to get a magnetic implant and i picked out a magnet from dangerous things that I think will be sufficient im prepared to do it I just dont know if I should do the procedure or have someone else do it I think I would be able to but I dont know I live in Missouri so theres not any body shops around here and im not sure that our tatto parlors would do it should I go ahead and perform myself or check elswhere and would a exacto knife suffice as a scalpel your thoughts would be greatly appreciated 


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  1. Please consider some punctuation next time so your concerns and messages are easier to read. That aside, tattoo parlours are the same thing. Most if not all also have a piercer on staff, at least where I am. There are no piercing only shops that I've seen. Please use proper equipment a scalpel is not hard to get and proper equipment can mean the difference between an infection that costs you your finger. I say this since I doubt you have an autoclave to properly clean the exacto knife. While you're at it consider (and by consider I mean you should), buying a pain management kit (lidocaine solution, needle, etc) and of course plenty of bandages and triple anti bac. However I'd find a piercer to do it for you if possible.
  2. Ok thanks, I will most certainley use proper punctuation next time. Now about the scalpel could I use a disposabal set? I saw the pain kit and was considering getting it thanks for the tip.
  3. A disposable set should be fine as you don't need it any more after the implant. More important is that it's sterile. All you tools should be sterile and you should perform a surgical hand disinfection. Normally a how-to is included in the packaging of good hand disinfection products, like Sterillium:

    Also disinfect your working area.

    Sorry for going a bit off-topic but I had a feeling that you need some more informations about hygienic safety when operating in your body. chironex didn't make a joke when he said you could loose your finger cause of an infection. :)
  4. Really, if it doesn't come in a sterile packet (having been sealed and sterilized through either by gas or by radiation), you shouldn't consider using it on yourself. Disposable scalpels (the kind with a blade molded into a sterile plastic handle) would be preferable to reusable scalpel handles + blades, as you probably lack the equipment to properly clean and sterilize the scalpel handle.

    As previously mentioned though, you're better off finding a professional to perform the implant for you. They'll have sterile equipment, usually (depending on country/state law) pain management options, and a lot of experience in putting foreign objects inside people's bodies. Even with professional piercers and implanters, there can be serious (possibly life threatening) issues such as infection, migration, or compromised bio-coating. Self-surgery potentially multiplies the chances of something like that happening.
  5. sorry for the delay ive been busy. I was just gonna get the set from dangerous things and it says there Sterile would that work, also what size of scalpel should I use
  6. @Cassox recommends a #15 scalpel.  I found the #15 to be excellently shaped for the job as well.  You can find disposable #15's on eBay for dirt cheap.
  7. Amal sells them on too, with different sizes
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