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Alternate Locations of Microchip Placement

So I have been wanting to get a microchip for the last few years, (currently looking at the xNTi implantable NFC microchip from

My question is this, aside from the usual location in the hand, what other locations could work, (or rather which locations might be bad options).

Being an animal lover, I have always loved the idea of getting one placed between my shoulder blades, (the typical location for animal microchipping). I do see a few drawbacks to this location though, such as not having much flesh there. Do any of you have any input or advice to offer?


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  1. My friend and I were just discussing this subject lastnight. He is a medical professional. I am looking for other options besides in between index finger and thumb and index finger. Our discussion kept going back to the forearm as a viable location for a lot of reasons. I'm on the fence about that location and as well would like to hear other location options. I apologize if I hi jacked your thread.
  2. They tag pets there because it's easy for the vet to scan.  you're not a dog why would you want it there?  the spot between your thumb and forefinger is typical because you have easy access to it. If you had a chip on your back youd have a difficult time reading/writing to it. (among other issues im sure)
  3. Yes, RFIDs work well in the forearm region. Between the shoulder blades would be easy to place, but pretty useless for any application I can think of. The traditional medical location is the back of the upper arm; however, this isn't easy to access either. A guide describing forearm placement already exists. It's available through at
  4. Consider your application though prior to implanting... I mean forearm is fine if your main focus is as a means to interact with your enabled phone. If you want to use it as a means of access control i.e. opening doors, it's sub-optimal. The thicker skin makes finding the right spot a bit harder and pushing your arm up to an antenna is inconvenient.
  5. Main application in my case is actually to just give my contact information. I plan to have another implanted in my hand for payment/access/unlocking features.

    Yes, I know I am not a dog. But, as stated above, I love animals and that is the primary reason for wanting a chip in the stated location.
  6. IIRC chips planted into animals tend to wander, especially when they aren't placed exactly where they belong to (my pet doctor refuses to check the chip in my dog for correct placement, but he got lost one time and thanks to the chip I was able to get him back at the same day, so I think it didn't wander, at least not much). That's the only thing I could think off that could be bad, but you should be able to minimize the risk by placing it professionally and ensuring a good after care.

    Other than that, just curious: You know you're not a dog, but would you like to be one (I can't see anything wrong with that, especially on a forum specialized with transforming humans ;) ) ?
  7. You are fucking awesome V10lator. ^^

    Yes, I would like to be a canid of some type. Preferably anthropomorphized in a few ways. (I have grown fond of my cognitive ability and opposable thumbs.)
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