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no longer lurking

got some m31s implanted finally, one in my tragus and one in my finger.  just thought id post some pics and introduce myself.


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  1. Nice! I'll be interested to see what you do with the tragus implant!
  2. I've got an amplifier and coil to test audio through but i want to let it heal properly before i mess with that.  same for the finger. 

    i plan on posting more pictures here as it heals.  aftercare might be interesting since i had both done at the same time so i have two implants healing simultaneously.  anyone have tips for keeping the tragus dry during showers?  i have gloves and rubberbands for my hand but im at a loss for the ear.  maybe a small piece of cling wrap over the ear?

    edit: also, god damn did the finger slicing hurt.  no lido.  0/10 would not recommend! 
  3. OOohh, let me know how the healing for the Tragus goes! I've been chomping at the bit for that one next! 

    Maybe some cling rap + rubber band? Like making a mini shower cap!
  4. heres what they look like around 36 hours post implantation.  been washing with saline and applying triplebac twice daily to both my ear and finger.

  5. day 3 ish

  6. @DirectorX what kind of coil/amplifier are you using?  im not getting any audio from mine yet.  maybe i just need to let it heal longer?  any info on your setup/healing process would be much appreciated!

    edit: 4 days in

  7. took my stitch out today, healing looks like it went damn well for how short a time it's been.  7 days so far.

  8. Nice @ightden! Keep me posted on any upgrades you might figure out for the tragus implant. I haven't had too much time to work on anything lately.
  9. sad day :(

    had to pull it out

    at least my finger is doing ok, i think?  its slightly numb on the pad and swollen still slightly, but i can make a fist and nothing hurts.  except my ear lol

  10. So, ear out, finger still in?

  11. yeah I noticed the magnet half poking out of my ear so i knew i had to pull it out.  we're gonna try putting it back in a few weeks once my ear has healed up though, and use a stitch this time.
  12. i have a question for anyone who has had their finger magnet for a while.  does it always hurt to have a magnet come in direct contact with your finger magnet or will that subside after the ~6-8 months of healing thats talked about?  cause i had that happen a bit ago accidentally and it stung like hell.
  13. You're still healing. Healing areas hurt. The m31s are quite strong tho, so you can consider it to just be a bad idea in general. 
  14. yeah thats what i figured.  it ended up opening a wound or something cause now it's bleeding a little and oozing some sort of clear liquid. :(  so ive gone back to keeping it bandaged with antibiotics changed twice a day
  15. I feel like it looks worse than before

  16. Did you get it wet at some point? Maybe it's just the camera, but it looks like it has not been kept dry.
  17. the moisture on it is antibiotic cream but i've been showering with a glove on since it was implanted.  is the skin peeling a normal part of the healing process?  if so, anything i can do about it?  anything i should do to promote rehealing besides continue saline washing my finger and applying antibiotics when i change bandages?

  18. I'm having a similar experience with mine healing, although it isn't quite as red and peeling, but it might get there. If it does I'll po a picture.
  19. You are oozing there a bit... If you have some antibiotics, take them. Keep up with the ointment, and make sure your bandages are applied firmly.

    What we are seeing here isnt rejection, but some form of minor infection, i believe.

    The skin peelies are just a result of your body trying to knit itself together. The white at the edge there leads me to believe that you are not getting enough air on site. While you are keeping it ointmented up, you also need to give you skin time to breathe.

    It's a balance. Don't love it too hard ;)
  20. BC I, is it red and peeling or actually seeping? Peeling is normal, but fluid is not. It's often recoverable though. Ightden, can you explain your full post care method?
  21. Mine is red but not yet peeling and not oozing.
  22. Good. You had me concerned. Expect some minor peeling. If oozing, please contact me asap.
  23. From day 0 to day 7 i had applied triple bac and changed bandages twice daily with 200mg of ibuprofen taken twice daily post bandage change.  on day 7 i removed my stitch, washed site with saline, reapplied triplebac and continued the twice daily bandage change for 4 or 5 more days.  at that point i thought i should let it breathe and it looked like the skin had completely closed up so i stopped wearing bandages and was just very careful with it.  did i goofed? 

    after it started looking weird i went back to twice daily bandages/triplebac/saline wash hopefully my finger doesnt fall off lol
  24. Yeah, I'm still working on a full post care writeup. Sorry it's taking so long. I'd advise stopping the antibac ointment. They haven't been shown in trial to affect wound healing and they really keep the site too moist. For the first few days, it's ok but the constant moisture isn't optimal.
  25. Were I able to advise an antibiotic, which because I'm not a doctor and cannot prescribe nor even advise... something like a one time 900mg dose of clindamycin would be my personal go to. Of course speak with your doctor about it first. It would be ill advised for example to google a product called Fish Cin.
  26. Also, who put these in for you? Ok, so when someones finger swells or exhibits puss, draining the pocket once is acceptable. Pressure and swelling is your enemy - i.e. inflammation. Basically, you want the body to ignore that anything is there and inflammation is the opposite of this. Draining can be performed using a diabetic lancet available at any drug store. A 10 minute soak in saline after draining is good as well. Keep the site clean and dry. Ice it twice daily and keep the finger above the level of the heart when you can. Best of luck dude. Also, watch closely that you don't develop a fever and look for any red streaks proximal to the finger. This can be some kind of infection/cellulitis developing which does require a visit to the MD if not ER.
  27. thanks for the advice cassox.  however, i think the finger magnet is rejecting now :(  im pretty sure what i see on my finger is the surface of the magnet.  i figure it's going to pop out in the next few days so im keeping an eye on it so i can catch it and reimplant later.

    much like my tragus magnet, it seems to have turned sideways and made its way towards the surface edge first.   0/2, im sad
  28. Pull it
  29. Well that's that, I suppose.
  30. round 2

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