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Alternatives to Lidocaine?


I'm currently planning my first magnetic implant (it's already on its way to me) but fear the pain a bit.
Now I thought about using Lidocaine but buying it straight with the magnet could lead the package to be refused at customs as Lidocaine has regulations where I live (Germany) and I'm not allowed to buy it (at least not in the form I would need it / dangerousthings is selling it) so I didn't and decided to search for alternative solutions instead.

Does anyone know some? I thought about pain killers like Ibuprofen but I'm worried they might have bad side effects, like taking away my concentration, making the blood thinner and so on.


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  1. Dman, just when I posted this I found "Heweneural 1%" which I could legally buy and which contains "Lidocainhydrochlorid 1 H2O" - a bit of research showed that the "good" Lidocaine injections use
    "Lidocainhydrochlorid 1 H2O" in combination with Lidocaine, so I'm note sure if
    "Lidocainhydrochlorid 1 H2O" alone will do the job. Also 1% seems a bit low, I thought if Lidocaine the higher the better (ofc. there has to be a max somewhere, I think I wouldn't inject a 20% solution, for example) as I can't pull endless fluid into my handwebs.

    So does anyone know the difference between Lidocaine and
    "Lidocainhydrochlorid 1 H2O" or has any other informations useful for the topic?
  2. So the difference between lidocaine and lidocaine hydrochloride in h2o is heh that's like some labeling wiggle room there if you can't buy the stuff from DT. The lidocaine you would get from DT  _is_ lido hydrochloride in aqueous solution. And the injectable stuff is usually about 2%... 
    Lidocaine without the HCl is a powder.

    So get yourself some Heweneural.

  3. Thanks for your reply but my english isn't good enough to understand everything you say. Basically you're saying lidocaine hydrochloride 1 h2o is liquid lidocaine and there's no other injectable form? I really respect you and trust your words a lot as I already readed a lot of posts from you but if that's really what you wanted to say I wonder about this: - this part is what I mean:

    • 81.14 mg Lidocain
    • 100 mg Lidocain hydrochlorid-1-Wasser
    this translates to:

    Active ingredients
    • 81.14 mg Lidocaine
    • 100 mg Lidocaine hydrochloride-1-Water
    And this is for injection (no, I can't buy this). Is this just some misinformation from the shop?

    Last: "And the injectable stuff is usually about 2%..." - Well, it clearly says 1% (all 2% solutions I found aren't buyable without a receipt from a doctor), if that's right do you think this will be enough or is there a way to reduce the water on a easy way (I guess not, at least not without contaminating the fluid) ?
  4. I just double checked and the stuff we have here is actually 1% as well. The 2% is more of a heavy duty med grade kind of thing.

    I'm not really sure about that ingredient list but the stuff we have does not have the lidocaine without HCl in it. I do not know why they have a mixture of the two. I would assume that the lidocaine in the solution probably has a buffer to allow it to dissolve. That is obviously not a complete ingredients list. Not so much misinformation as incomplete.

    It really sounds like Heweneural is the way to go. I looked it up a bit more and it seems fine. Looks like you can get it in ampules as well.
  5. Thanks a lot for all the help and information! :)
    I just ordered it and will test it before doing the implant (maybe just block the nerves and put a (thin) needle under the skin to see if it works - ofc. not on a finger planned for implanting).

    BTW: I'm planning to do 3 in a row (most likely left ring-, middle- and pointing finger) if everything goes well while doing the first one. Also as I'm way more experienced with needles than with a scalpel (the only time I used a scalpel was for a small cutting (incl. skin removal), it worked out really good but still I feel more safe with needles) I'll try the needle method by aviin.

    Sorry for going a bit off-topic but this was the last thing missing for the procedure, so I'm just happy and thrilled atm.
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