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SXSW in Austin,TX


Is anyone going to be around Austin, TX for SXSW? We're throwing a small private party on Monday, 3/16 and might have some space if anyone's interested in attending. Free beer, tacos, ice cream. We're going to be inviting all sorts of tech folks.


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  1. DANG! I am in Austin, but am being pulled away for work in Houston the 16th until Thursday or so. 

    I may try to ditch work for this. What's the info?
  2. Sorry dude. I'd love to come. Unfortunately it's a tad too short of notice.
  3. It's going to be at Tears of Joy Hot Sauce Shop on 6th street. 7p-9p, Monday 3/16.

    If you tell them that you're from they'll let you in or if you want to make it easy on yourself, send us a note at and I'll add you to the eventbrite.

    Cassox, no worries. I was hoping to be able to release the info earlier too. 
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