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Australians, Check In!

I am Dan, known as Griskard, from NSW. Near Newcastle specifically. Where are you all from and would you be interested in our own grindfest? 


Displaying comments 1 - 30 of 31
  1. Hi, fellow Australian.

    I'm Ivo, from Sydney. I would be but unfortunately I am kind of busy at the moment (and if my plans work out I'll be for the next 4 years).
  2. Study? Or just a really focused career?
  3. Zac, from Coffs Harbour NSW. What's Grindfest?
  4. Grindfest is what the folks in the US here are doing. Its just a meetup of Grinders
  5. Study. I'm intending to get into medicine (and hopefully get into surgery esp neurosurgery).
  6. Greetings, Australians.

    My name is Anna, I am in Melbourne.

    I have a pair of m31s that I implanted myself, and an abiding curiousity about functional mods. 

    I am interested in an antipodean grindfest, checking out prototypes or offering assistance with procedures.

  7. Hey mates, 

    Kayla from Melbourne. 

    No implants yet, interested in playing with chips outside of the body to see what they can do before taking the plunge  and putting one inside. 

    Also undertaking a PhD in this area! 
  8. Qld here, studying biotech, chem, and psych. Would definitely be interested in a grindest/biohacking meetup.
  9. Hi there, I'm Priscilla, from Mackay, sunny North Queensland. I have self implanted a M31 and as time permits will be inserting a second M31. I work with spare parts at a coal mine, so I am in a dirty environment and constantly use my hands. My first magnet rejected but have since re implanted and all is well. I have to plan my implanting around my roster to enable better healing. I have a couple of M36 on order, I thought customs had confiscated as I also purchased the PMK from Dangerous Things. But they have had to have the M36 re manufactured as they weren't up to standard. I would be interested in a gathering, however I cannot always get time off work.
  10. ss23 from New Zealand! I actually went over to Grindfest in cali, but if you guys time it right, I'd love to see a similar thing in Australia too (though lets face it -- a chunk of land, lab complete with surgical unit? I don't think anything in AU could compare to the awesomeness that happened over there).

    On that note, I'd love to get some magnets done (didn't have time to get them done in the US). Presume someone could come along that'd be willing to stab people and put things inside them?
  11. So we have say, half a dozen people interested to some degree at the moment. I don't think it is really enough to get a proper meetup going, but at least we can start getting an idea of numbers! 
  12. To be fair we are quite scattered around anyway. :P
  13. Hey! I'm from W.A. and have an NFC implant in my right hand, will put one in my left at some point.

    I would really like to see NFC implants becoming more mainstream and have had some success generating interest over here. I think they are super cool but need more "early adopters" to get the ball rolling on human implant innovations!

    I study security and am interested in researching the potential of human tracking and intent via implants. I feel that implants will only become more common and the security concerns surrounding them only become bigger.
  14. Hi! I'm from northern NSW. It'd be great to meet up if there's anyone else in the area.

    I'm an engineer for Grindhouse Wetware, so I'm involved with designing and testing implant systems, and I have a little lab for circuit construction.
    I don't have any mods, used to have an RFID, but it got cooked.

    nonexistent, how far up the coast are you?
  15. I travel a fair bit, how far north NSW are you?
  16. @SixEcho that's really cool, how did you get involved with Grindhouse Wetware, just by talking to people on this forum? Can you tell me more about what you're working on for Grindhouse Wetware? :)
  17. @SixEcho I'm just north of Brisbane/start of Sunshine coast. Where in NSW are you?
  18. Are any of you guys interested in being interviews on your implants for my PhD? 

  19. byron bay area, right up the top.

    @Rawin yeah that's exactly it, I started talking to @Lucas_Dimoveo a few days after they started. Didn't have a lot of experience back then but I learned on the job.

    We've been focused on this Northstar implant, which is basically implantable LED lighting, and a follow-up version that is a bit more capable (but without the lights.)

    I don't want to ruin any surprises but we've been doing a huge amount of R and D. You can expect some very shiny, high tech goodies over the next couple years.
  20. HI new member from Melb, no implants yet but on the hunt for some
  21. @scruffy  I'm also melb based, let me know if need anything locally 
  22. Thank you Alex I'm sure I will be in touch, so far I haven't found anything Melb based
  23. Necro-ing an old thread. It looks like I'm going to move up to Brisbane soon on January next year. Anyone still active around that area?
  24. Hi. I'm going to be in Australia April 15 to May 3rd. Going to Sydney, Canberra, Melbourne, and probably Adelaide. Anyone interested in hanging out?
  25. oi
  26. Im in Melbourne Kids party this weekend but I should be free after that

  27. Hey guys I'm a doctor based in Sydney. I'm interested in magnetic and RFID implants - I think human augmentation will be a reality in 20-30 years but it just needs a foot in the door.

    I want to study surgical outcomes following implantation, and essentially show whether or not implantation by a medical practitioner or a surgeon improves function/reduces infection risk or rejection.

    Trouble is I'm having a hard time tracking down any 'biohackers' in Sydney, or any tattoo artists willing to do these procedures (perhaps I'm looking in the wrong places?)

    Any chance anyone here can point me in the right direction?
  28. Hello, I'm Wayne a machinist from Adelaide South Australia and as far as I can tell the only Transhumanist South Aussie here. One of the reasons I joined is because I would like to eliminate the need for keys in the house I am buying and am considering getting chipped. I'm also interested the sensory magnets but I would rather the implanting procedures be done by a professional with experience...but I am yet to find one.
  29. Hey, Over in WA as well. Studying Molecular biology and Biotechnology. Any others with biology interest or active in WA?
  30. Strangely_brown, look up joeltron at Stone heart.
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