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SoCal Implanter
I'm (very) new to this community, and I'm hoping to get an m31 implanted in my left ring finger for my birthday, which is a few months out, but I'm more than a little concerned about doing it myself, seeing as how I have no training, no experience, etc. I'm mainly concerned with proper placement and prevention of infection, rejection, and proper sterilization. I'm looking for someone to do it professionally in SoCal if having this done professionally is possible. I live in the Irvine area but I can drive an hour or so in any direction.
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I'm in SoCal (San Diego) as well, but I haven't had any luck finding implanters here. I was going to head out to AZ in the next couple months to have Haworth put mine in.
You can always come see us! We're in SoCal. Cassox is about as professional as it gets when it comes to implants.
I'd love to come meet you guys! You can PM/email me with specifics if Cassox is interested in doing mine. @FrankMatheson would you be interested in going up together or you set on AZ?
The specifics are weekdays work best, give us a week or so headsup before you magically appear. Unless you are coming us for Grindfest. Then just show up.
Won't be able to come to grindfest, but I'll give you plenty of notice. Anything I should bring other than the magnet? (Sterile scalpel, stitches, antibiotic cream, gauze, isopropyl alcohol, etc)?
I'd be in to drive up to Tehachapi. I also will be missing Grindfest :(. Do I need to purchase an m31 or could I get one from you guys, glims? Also, how much will you be charging for the old slit and stick?
Yeah, get your mags from @Amal, we do design and procedure, not selling stuffs.We don't need any extra hardware or tools unless you want to donate them. In that case, we need all the stuff :)@dezie_mm tues wed thur of that week would be perfect,. anyone else, come on down.Charge? huh,... yeah, we should probably start doing that. ... Let's say it's donation based and we appreciate contributions, but I think Cass did 4 mags in the last 3 days, and I put in about 10 rfids and we were paid in ribs and liquor... Money is cool tho.
How about I buy you and Cassox dinner in exchange for a magnet finger? My spring break is March 28 - April 5, but I'll still have to figure out what days I'm working. Is amal from Dangerous Things?
Amal is the Amal from Dangerous Things. Yeah, just aim for a middle of the week day if possible.
A friend and I are planning to drive up on Tuesday, March 31st to Tehachapi and then drive back down to San Diego same day. I'll be getting the implant, he'll be driving me back home.
Is there a time you'd prefer us to show up?
We wake up early and go to bed late. Any time on a Tuesday should be good. Cass is doing an extended week this week so let me double check but morning/afternoon is good.
Yeah, any time is good. Come on down, y'all ;)
@glims I will be coming with FrankMatheson
Cool! See y'alls soon
I did a dumb. Today at my work I sliced my left ring finger open (Yeah, the odds are pretty stellar). It should be fine for the implant next Tuesday. The cut is on the other side of the finger, but I just thought it was an insane coinky-dink.
Yeah, if you'd like to come on out, tuesday the 30th would be good. PM me your email and we'll work it out.
Hello! I am local to the Claremont area and curious about getting an M31 implant sometime in the next several months. Is there someone who can supply an M31 and do the implant in the region that I might be able to talk to?
Cassox would be about two hours from there - probably your best bet.
Hi there,
I live in the Redondo Beach Area, and I was wondering if there was someone around the LA area who could help me with an implant? I've been searching and I cant find anyone with experience down here.
Did you not just read the thread?
I did read the thread, I'm new to this site and I was wondering if anyone would be willing to help me with an implant? I saw a few of you above offered to do them for others and I was wondering if I could use their help?
Gotcha. Yeah, cass is the nearest one to LA I think.
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