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Can anyone help me?

Hi there :) Would anyone be able to answer some questions about the xNTi [NTAG216 2x12mm implant? I bought the injection kit but have a few questions to ask before I commit


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  1. I'll do my best to help, I've got one in my right hand. What do you want to know?
  2. Hello :) Can the tag be read before implantation? And what is the best method to read and change the content?
  3. It can't be read if it's in the injector already, as the steel needle blocks the signal. Once it's implanted, the best method I've found is an Android phone running the NFC tag reader/write of your choice (I like the ones from NXP Semiconductors). Specifically, I use an HTC One M7. Most mid- and upper-tier Android phones will have NFC functionality and should be able to interact with the tag, even ones that are a couple years old. If you don't have one yet I'd recommend finding one with a bad ESN on eBay, it doesn't have to work as a phone as long as you can get on wifi to install the app that way. Use the APK downloader below to fetch the installer file from the Google marketplace, stick it somewhere like Dropbox, then on the phone download and install it over wifi. No service plan or working ESN required, and from that point forward you don't even need the wifi as all interaction occurs between the phone and the chip in your hand. Hope this helps, if you have any other questions just fire away! :)
  4. I have the same chip, and use my Galaxy S4 to read/write to it mostly. It will likely seem REALLY hard to get a reading at first, fyi. I have to push against the skin and move my phone around a bit to finally get the thing to read, and I still haven't managed to find the perfect spot for a regular reading, Even with all of that, It's still very much worth it :)

    What are you looking to store on it? Got any big plans?
  5. Better still, are you planning on storing big plans on it? Now that is the question.
  6. @threefold get an NFC tag and figure out EXACTLY where the reader is(you can also look it up with phone manufacturer) tap a small piece of paper over that spot. It makes it easier to read consistently when figuring it out.
  7. Thank you all so much for helping :)
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