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Artificial Muscle

Recently I have stumbled across a article about efficient artificial muscle. 

Right off the bat the most obvious limitation is exposing the AM to stimulus (heat) to make it expand and contract, still I think that it's to good an idea to pass up easily.


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  1. has been around for a while: it's certainly one of the more diy-based muscles. I replicated the results at home. With a bit of practice it's rather easy to build those things. A bit harder to build but even more promising: (link to a copy of the paper),%20Superelastic%20Carbon%20Nanotube%20Aerogel%20Muscles%20-%202009%20-%20Baughman.pdf
  2. I once saw a simple but elegant muscle in a documentary about robotics it looked like a cilinder , black , and if I don't remember bad it used magnets to contract. I always wondered where it ended up.
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