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Hello everybody & RFID-Implant method with scissors.


It's quite some time I'm reading the forum.
Now, to finally become cyborged, I ordered some NFC glass tags.
Two are actually ntag216 and two are nerox122
The 122s have less storage but higher range, both are rw.

The Problem is - I wasn't able to get a syringe/applicator.

So I looked for a method to easily implant the tags.

I decided to do so with the help of a tiny scissor normally used for manicure.

Implanting the ntag216 worked out nice, healing was without any issues.

The method was repeated with my friend, this time the nerox122 was implanted - same here, no issues while healing.

We used some lidocaine for pain management and plenty of "Octenisept" for disinfection.

Here is an image of the tools used, as you can see the spiky part of the scissor matches well the size of the tag.


Displaying all 6 comments
  1. I feel like @glims will repeat this but please for the love of all things nobody repeat this. It may have worked for you and I'm happy for you but there is no way this is a good method for this. How were you not able to get a syringe? The internet is a thing. Look for more than 30 seconds and I'm sure you can find something. Or use a sterile piercing needle to make the hole but even that isn't advised. I'm glad you healed well but this could have caused some serious serious damage.
  2. It worked way better for me than the "cut with a scalpel and make a pocket with a probe"-method suggested to use for implantation of magnets. I had one of that nice "coronary-scissors" that are used in pathology in mind - that would be ideal, but like I mentioned this scissors worked very well too. First time I used a normal needle of a syringe to make the initial hole and then "widened" it, second attempt was directly made with the spike of the scissor. The impact on the tissue is very minimal and I plan to use this same method for magnet implantation, maybe first do a very small initial cut and using the scissors as a "probe".
  3. @hardcoremildred could you do a formalized write up of your procedure. Almost like a step by step tutorial. We should not jump to conclusions that because your method is different it is bad. You sound well informed and thoughtful. If your procedure reduces rejection for example we should try to figure that out... and why.

    As a community of scientists we should definitely hold it up to the light and see what shakes out :)
  4. Well, as @TimmyCNinja suggested, I may well print a step by step list of the actions performed. I decided against it, because the procedure itself is quite redundant to others in terms of location, antiseptic measures and the like. I want to rather explain the benefits and drawbacks of using scissors as a tool. First said, this is a procedure proven to work for long cylindrical objects of small size, such as RFID-glass-tags and probably - but not yet tested - also magnets of similar shape. Also, this method was only tested in the very soft, skin-like part of the hand, not (yet) on fingertips or other, harder parts of the body. A personal comment on blood: while I don't like blood during operation, 'cause it makes things messy and hard to observe, I like blood after the operation. What I want to say is: I always feel better, when a little bit of blood comes out of the wound, washing it from inside to outside and nicely sealing it when coagulating. ("Natural superglue so to say"). Initial hole: -best made with something more spiky than the scissors, like f.e. a needle (syringe) with big diameter. The scissors: Please look at the picture of the scissors, as they have a write special form! Even better would be ones like this (just regarding the blade, grip does not matter): - if just one part of the scissor is used, it acts almost like a very narrow but little bit thicker scalpel. - !! be careful not to cut the skin open with the blade part !! We want a tunnel-like hole, not an incision. - once deep enough inside the tissue (later more on this) you might want to insert both parts of the scissors and widen the tunnel a bit by opening the scissors. Length of the hole: - I made good experiences by not giving the tunnel the full length required, but just a little bit less. - then, the implant was forced inside just using the hand (gloves). Once completely inside, the implant will move under the skin, passing the hole. With this method, no pressure whatsoever is on the hole and it can heal nicely.
     _______ ____ <== skin 
       o====o.     <== Implant
  5. I considered, at one early point in my planning, using a similar method for my magnet implants.  I'm excited to see that it worked out well for you.  The more we try, the more we learn.  Very nice and congrats.
  6. The only thing that I would consider is that since you are using the back side of the scissors to widen the "tunnel" you are basically shmushing the flesh open and you will be causing more inflammation due to mechanical pressure. Inflammation may lead to a higher chance of rejection.
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