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In need of NdFeB magnets?

As I worked in a lab, I was able to buy neodymium discs in bulk- 100 to be exact.  I don't plan on implanting all 100.  
NdFeB (42MGO)   VP 782N-3-150    3.4mm Diameter, 0.73mm thick
Coated with .05 mm thick parylene. 
I have one in right now and have had no problems. 

Anyone interested in taking some off my hands? I can give a good deal.  As mentioned above, they're already coated, but due to possible shipping you may want to double coat to be safe. 


Displaying all 9 comments
  1. How much per magnet? Can you ship them with a barrier between each of the magnets?
  2. I would also like to know.
  3. Sure I can put barriers between, is $5 each reasonable? Then a bit for shipping which shouldn't be more than $3.
  4. If anyone else is interested, once again I'm doing $5 a magnet and $3 shipping to the US. Shipping outside of the US is negotiable in terms of shipping costs. Magnets will be sent with barriers so they do not touch each other  or stick to anything outside the envelope. The site that seems to work out the best is Giftrocket that I've used a few times now and have had nothing but a good experience with it and it doesn't cost you anything to use. Feel free to message me if interested. Also it would be greatly appreciated if the people I've sent them to already could put a review on here so people know I'm legit. Otherwise I'm not opposed to setting up a private ebay auction for it so you know for sure you will get your item. I know the internet can be sketchy on occasion. 
  5. Awesome. I get paid on the 15th I'm quite certain ill buy at least four then if you could hold on to those for me. Giftrocket sounds fine to me. I'll message you when my check comes in.
  6. No problem, I got four  set aside for you. Let me know if you want me to set up an ebay transaction otherwise for safe delivery. I know the internet can be kind of sketchy and I want to assure you you'll get the magnets for sure after you pay.
  7. If you still have any left I am interested in buying a few.
  8. Sure do, shoot me an email if anyone wants any - [email protected]
Displaying all 9 comments