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Myostatin regulation with rna?


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  1. It was an IEC fusor. So no, it's way less than 1% efficient. They're more useful as a learning tool and as a neutron source. I build the lower voltage demo model and had almost everything to build a functional source but they're money sinks so my dad talked me out of it. Still have the parts though and would love to try again someday. If I were to try again I'd try and make a polywell. Much more efficient and is what we should be using to power out homes. 2 spoonfuls of borax contains  enough boron to power that kind of reactor and make enough electricity to power an entire city. Give or take. And they have a maximum size of about 1.5m  (although unless I was going full scale, which i wouldn't I'd make mine way smaller) since any larger and they put out so much power no known material can handle it and the chamber would burst.  And they put out very little radiation since most of its converted directly into electricity rather than heat. So you can fit a lot of them into one power plant. Even running on bad fuel and low power they still kick out plenty of power. Also it produces helium 3 as a byproduct which we can always use more of. But I digress. 
  2. This is more like what I was referring to, but you hit my point exactly point. He doesn't understand what he is doing and has no clue as to the meantime g of the word safe.
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