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So... What is it like?

I've been reading a lot on this forum. Everything from implant procedure to materials to theory, etc... This question is aimed towards those individuals who have magnet implants already and have adjusted to their new sense. What's it like? Try to describe the feeling. Not stuff like, "It's just this really cool feeling~". How does it affect you mentally? Physically? Even spiritually, if at all. How does having the magnet affect your external sphere of influence? What practical, and non-practical uses does it have so far? I will learn all of this next year spring-summerish when I get mine, but I'm curious now.


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  1. The first time I realized my implant was reacting to an EM field was a power drill. Normally the drill vents air out the sides so I thought it was just exhaust on my finger but I quickly realized my finger was not near the exhaust and the "windy" sensation was coming from the inside of my finger. Microwave ovens are the same, I feel like there is a breeze on my ring finger. Just the other day I noticed that the cord for the vacuum cleaner "blows" a tiny bit. I bet it would be stronger if I coiled up the wire.
    I can't say that I've become more interested in electrical fields since the implant because I am already an electronic engineer but I feel like it was a natural step for me. I didn't think I would want a second one but when the m31 came out I decided to get another magnet in the same hand but my index finger this time. That is healing nicely.
  2. @McSTUFF what kind of magnet was your first implant? Any sensations yet from the m31? I would love to know how they compare. I am new to this site and am just getting ready to do my first implant too. I can either get Steve Haworth to implant a silicon one this weekend or do my own implant of an m31 at a later date.
  3. My first magnet was a Steve Haworth silicone coated magnet. My piercer had experience installing them.

    I got sensation from the m31 the day after implantation but it was a very strong signal. A power drill or something with a strong field. It's been 3 weeks and I can feel the microwave but 1/3 as strong as my healed finger.

    The best metric I can give you is my pen. I have two cylinder magnets in the hollow part of my pen and I do little magic tricks by spinning it without touching it or lifting it with an open hand. The Haworth magnet can lift the pen but the m31 can't. There is still swelling around the incision site of the m31 and that isn't helping the pen tricks so it remains to be seen for me which of the two does better.

    I have more faith in the m31's coating. My piercer didn't report that it was any more difficult to install the m31 than the Haworth but it was tiny in comparison.

    @Poppy, if money isn't a huge barrier get the implant from Steve and if you love it get an m31 in a different finger later. At that point you will have seen the procedure done first hand (pun intended) and you'll know what kind of pain to expect. My two cents.
  4. Awesome @McSTUFF, thanks for the great advice. I am very excited to get a magnet so I think I will go with your recommendation and get Steve to install one this Saturday. Wish me luck :-) Has anyone implanted 2 magnets in 2 fingers next to each other. For example, I was thinking 1 in my ring finger and 1 in my middle on the same hand. Has anyone done this? Would they interfere with each other too much?
  5. @Poppy Having magnets in two fingers next to each other shouldn't be a problem. After doing some research and getting advice from the pro's here, that's exactly what I went for, and had no problems :) Well, one of them rejected, but that was due to an infection rather than interference! While I had both in, there were no noticeable issues or 'twingy' feelings between the two magnets. Fingers create a pretty good barrier!
  6. A 'windy' feeling huh? Hm. That's kinda what I feel when I do energy work. It's similar to Reikei but I've learned on my own. It doesn't seem to be an issue due to obvious evidence, but what about typing on the keyboard? On the phone? Other touch sensitive devices?

  7. @Voidflakes, thanks for the info. I got my first implant done yesterday by Steve Haworth in my right ring figure. I am so excited!!! I figured best to get a pro to do the first one so I can see how it is done first hand (sorry for the lame pun). Planning to do the rest myself.
  8. @darkzero45 I have never noticed anything from low power devices like mobile phones. A laptop with a HDD or my external HDDs can give a sensation when they are running but I'm typing on a bluetooth keyboard right now and I don't get any sensation from it. I have never noticed anything from USB keyboard either. Touch screens, resistive or capacitive, don't react to the magnets and I don't get any unusual sensation from them.

    @Poppy congrats on your implant. Keep it clean and follow all the healing directions from Steve. I hope you didn't have any trouble with the implant and it heals nicely. What did you think?
  9. I just wanted to mention something here for those who might be looking to sample the goods, as it were, before committing to getting an implant.

    Go to your local Walmart (or equivalent retail outlet) and buy this (something like US$4).  The packaging of the ones I found was white instead of purple like the pic at that link.  Hold your hand palm up and sit one of these guys on the pad of a finger.  Now start exploring typical EM hotspots.  You'll get a similar sensation to having an implant.  With an implant, the sensation is stronger and the range is better, but the overall effect is the same, at least insofar as the initial sensation goes (I've only had a successful implant for 16 days now and haven't yet experienced the secondary impressions that have been described by others).

    Note that I have no idea of the strength of those magnets and they're FAR larger than an implant magnet (almost 13mm in diameter versus the 3mm of an m31 and these are twice as thick as an m31, maybe more).  I ran across this because I was curious as to whether or not it would work.  Turns out it does.
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