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Augmented reality for everyone

Hi everyone,

Some time ago I realized that in our quest to become one with technology there will be three phases. 
The first is the external phase, we are at the beginning of the end of it. 
The second is the intimate phase, where technology is carried and worn and attached to us. 
The third phase is wetware, if you're on here you know what that is. 

I would like to introduce you to my new company, Ashkelon. Our goal is to accelerate and enhance the second phase.
We have developed our first product, the Visor,  it is eventually meant to be a direct competitor to the Google Glass, for 1/100 of the price.
We will enable the onset of the wearable revolution for everyone, and even in the less developed world.

Please check us out here:

I would appreciate your thoughts and comments.


Displaying all 22 comments
  1. I generally surf the web with javascript off. And without javascript your entire website is completely empty.
  2. Seconded
  3. I left my Javascript running and my whole system bogged down while on that page.
    Watched the video; sure, I'd pay $20 to give it a whirl. I wouldn't wear it at the office and if it said "Ashkelon Visor" in my peripheral all the time, like the simulated video, I would put tape over that immediately.
  4. Video for you guys without Javascript.

    The site is temporary, it will get replaced with a something professional soon enough. A new video is coming soon aswell.

    Thanks McSTUFF, I don't like it either, will have it removed. 

  5. if you want blatant honesty, thing looks ridiculous. Way to bulky, tiny ass screen for the amount of your head it covers and how much it'll weigh. Rather get google glass if that's the product.
  6. I'd rather get a Ferrari but I drive a second-hand Toyota.
    If you judge this product for what it is I think it stands up all right. This isn't going to lure people away from Glass it's going to be a way for every broke-ass schmuck to have a HUD.
    The eyepiece is a pretty neat idea if it stays aligned. The headwear seems awkward since it doesn't have a dynamic look. That thick blocky brim is ugly and the dark graphics make it look cartoonish. After a paint job and some brim modifications I would wear it outside. But for sitting at my desk and waiting for text messages to come in I would wear it.
    Besides, $20 for the "Focusing Relay" would be worth it.
  7.'s a good idea, but there's a lot of "smart glasses" being developed way cheaper with the same idea "let the phone be smart, the glasses are just I/O device"...and If I can come up with like a couple or three hundred for glasses that look like regular glasses...I just couldn't imagine drawing attention to myself with something like this, no offense, It's too obvious though, that someone's wearing a big awkward thing on their head...I'm saving up  cash and BTC hoping to eventually get something more like actual glasses...i'm already too nervous in crowds 
  8. Still at work. Haven't seen it, but Glims was one of the beta tester on Google Glass. It was shit from what I understand.
  9. Yeah, I didn't want to chip in till I had heard what other people think. I have a tendency to be critical....

    First, it's not augmented reality. Augmented reality implies an overlay. This is just a little window in the corner of your vision.

    The design looks tremendously kludgy . There are so many other smart glasses options that are popping up. This is literally like taping a smartphone to your wrist and calling it a smart watch. No matter how much you slim down the rest of the design, it's still going to be this big klonky block on your body...

    I have a extension on my browser that replaces the phrase "Google Glass" with "Virtual Boy" and this about nails it. It would be like wearing a Virtual Boy headpiece. I would have been excited about this when I was 7. I guess you can spin it into a different market demographic, Suzy's first heads-up display.

    It looks fun but it's overly simple. It also needs to be aimed properly. This is not a Glass competitor, this it's own thing. And anyone who looks hard enough at that design is going to be able to make one for a few bucks and an afternoon at a workbench.
  10. Oh hey, I finally got to check it out. I think this is pretty cool actually in terms of use as either a bike helmet or motorcycle helmet.
  11. I'd bet if you made a motorcycle helmet visor replacement to incorporate this - it would sell well.
  12. Dirtbike helmets usually incorporate a visor already so adding a little extra to one wouldn't look out of place. If bluetooth is incorporated you could have a helmet system more robust than some cars. A motorcycle helmet might need a stronger arm to keep the focusing relay steady in high winds.
    A paintball helmet relaying GPS locations of players would be pretty awesome.
  13. Hate to dash any dreams but, as already stated, it isn't really "augmented" reality. Its just our normal visual field with a little screen in the corner. It also kind of comes off as "Two for 19.99 +s/h" as seen on T.V.
  14. Yeahs unfortunately the hid display for motorcycle helmets already exist.
  15. I would rather have glasses that are just displays with input devices stealthily hidden away wherever is convenient, then have a phone app that sort of builds a database of the things you want catalogued or monitored in you field of view, sends notification from phone etc, for immediate input, couldn't you program a sort of virtual keypad that could be assigned to pretty much any surface you focus on and is only visible to you? Anyone know of something along these lines?
  16. @rodya2501 

    I haven't seen anyone do it but you could use the same idea as a laser projection keyboard.  Project it onto a partially silvered mirror in the fov and track hand motion.  If you wanted to use a surface you'd also need to know how far away the surface is (fairly trivial), but why not eliminate the surface entirely and just have the keyboard float in front of you?
  17. it's sort of both, i didn't mean project...i meant you just see it in the display, why not float...? it would look at least a little less crazy if I was touching my forearm or something instead of typing querty, standing up at a an imaginary mid-air keyboard. why not just track hand motion, if you assign the camera pov and keep it fairly consistent
  18. gah i mean zoom, i could keep track of zoom difference right? and a gps coord?
  19. @rodya2501

    Projection would just be to be able to see it in the display... like the old vaudevillian ghost trick (I don't remember the name of it offhand) or a red dot sight.  You project it onto the glasses such that the reflection of the projection (say that 5 times fast) is visible to you.  

    As far as tracking distance, this would be so that the projected image is consistent with your experience if you want to type on something.
  20. I thought it was assumed the glasses would be some type of display... Projection is fine, I thought you meant.... Idk it was dumb haha, but I just wish someone was making simple i/o prefabed glasses of the nature and selling them... Even if I had to learn to write driver software myself it'd be cheaper and more customizable than anything I've seen
  21. It sounds like you're describing a beam-splitter display btw
  22. Sounds a lot like the eyetap if you Google that, but I think it's an overcomplicated design, since the data is externally processed anyway, having a camera read the exact opposite surface being projected on in that way I think you could get a modern smartphone to compensate the offset easily and pointing it directly outwards from a different point on the glasses would be cheaper and more convenient
Displaying all 22 comments