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General idea of supplies for DIY magnetic implant

So I've been doing some research on DIY methods for implanting magnets, and it's great to see the the pool of knowledge growing! There are a bunch of great resources available, and I thought maybe I could pitch in a bit of what I've been assembling myself through research. Specifically, what I've compiled as a list of available and accessible tools most procedure break-downs seem to involve. Hopefully this can be an handy bundle of info for someone who would otherwise opt for cheep-but-less-safe option on some supplies. Also anyone who has used any of these tools can give a yea/nay and feedback based on their own experiences!

Surprisingly I was able to find most of what people have suggested on Amazon. And prime, no less!

Lidocane, which I've previously ordered from Dangerous Things:
Sutures, not surprising that they're not on amazon, but I DID find them here

This seems like pretty much everything one would need, but unlike a lot of people here this actually is my first rodeo. Any feedback is sincerely welcome, and I hope this could also be handy to someone else!



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  1. Nice.  I actually was able to find most of my supplies on eBay and the rest came from local drugstores.  I decided to forgo lidocaine, but I'm kind of crazy, I guess.  Good luck on your implantation.  Very excited for you.  Since it seems like you're doing it yourself, I'm doubly excited.  You'll be proud of yourself when you get done, I promise.
  2. Amazon also sells skin glue if you'd rather not deal with sutures:

    For some light reading on the subject:
  3. @aviin Thank you! That is the hope this time. I'm pretty nervous, but researching everything I can as much as I can! If something is worth doing, its worth doing as right as possible, after all :) Still going to need the lidocane, for sure! OH, and your post reminded me of the tourniquet! Which I'll probably grab some hairbands for. I'm always impressed with the amont of blood in fingers... anything to help keep that at bay will be a huge help.

    @kjwx I've been considering a glue instead of a suture, and it sounds easier both in what I need to do and what I need to watch myself do. I hear the big concern is with healing, however. And the cleanliness thereof. If anything, and I mean anything, ends up inside... at least a suture can let it flow out and be cleansed after the fact to some degree. With glue, I understand what whatever is in is locked in, and it's much harder for your body to weep out any problem cells/liquids.

    The last ones I had done ended up healing without even the suture, though one side did face a bit of a bloody complication on my way home (VERY awkward to handle on a packed public bus, I might add).

    Thank you for this link! I'll keep looking over more things RE skin glue, and see if maybe the pros will outweigh the cons I've heard. Honestly the suture is the part I'm least looking forward to, and if alternatives are viable that would be great!
  4. I used hairbands.  They worked very well and just needed a quick snip with scissors to remove.  Cheap and effective, which is a winning combination.

    * EDIT * - I wanted to address your anxiety (if it's fair to call it that) regarding sutures.  Prior to this evening, I'd never had a suture in my life, let alone performed one (well, I guess I had one for an extracted wisdom tooth, but that was done numbed and not by me).  I was having all sorts of anxiety about it as the time for implantation approached.  But I can say, at least for me, they were not bad.  In fact, I enjoyed doing it, oddly.  Like you, I weighed the pros and cons of suture versus glue and sutures won out.  Just make sure you tie good knots if you go that route :)
  5. I haven't had a chance to do an implant yet, but I did slice my self quite badly working on a construction project, and rubber bands worked like a charm. Plus, you can sterilize rubber bands fairly easily...
  6. What's the plain tincture of benzoin for? Isn't that just an inhalant?
  7. Two of my primary research points list it as a valuable part of the sterilization and healing process, both on @Cassox's blog and this blog (Apologies, I don't know who it would be on here if they're even on here). Seems to be handy both with helping steri-strips keep their place AND as an antiseptic. I'd rather over-acquire supplies and not need them vs under-acquire and find myself sliced open and wanting.
  8. Out of curiosity: What's the best way to sterilise rubber bands, TheGreyKnight?
  9. FWIW: That second link you mentioned, BirdMachine, is Mothball's blog.
  10. The tincture you linked isn't the one that helps with skin adhesion - what you want is COMPOUND tincture of benzoin, the two have different uses. I found some for you:
  11. @kjwx AH thank you!

    @zombiegristle And thank you, too!! I've updated the wishlist so it'll list that one, instead.
  12. @kjwx
     Well, rubber bands can be a bit interesting, because of their elasticity and thermodynamic properties. I haven't ever sterilized any, but if I were going to...

    1. Rinse thoroughly in water to remove larger solid contaminants.
    2. Place rubber band/s in a sealed container (A Tupperware container with a lid will do) full of bleach. Make sure there is a spare 1/2 inch on all sides of the rubber bands. Then, Place the container in the refrigerator for 2 hours. (Cold makes rubber bands made of latex expand, allowing the bleach to penetrate all the possible cracks.)
    3. Using a sterilized instrument, remove the rubber bands, rinse in sterile saline solution(if available. Sterile, or very clean water would work to), and autoclave for 30 minutes. If you don't have an autoclave, you can make one using a pressure cooker. But don't overheat the rubber bands... They might melt.
    4. Repeat step 2, using a quats or Chlorohexidine solution. But make sure you've sterilized the container you use. After removing from the refrigerator, allow rubber bands to sit for roughly 2.5 - 3 hours. 

    I figure that process will probably kill almost any prions, viruses, bacteria (Antibiotic resistant and ordinary alike), fungi, and/or parasites that could be encountered. 

    This is a variation of a procedure (tweaked to account for thermodynamic properties) the WHO recommends to eliminate prions on medical equipment, combined with the sterilization protocols recommended by @Cassox for sterilizing hands prior to preforming a magnet implant. 

    Maybe it's overkill, but I don't like taking chances. Especially with organic products, like the natural rubber used in rubber bands.
  13. You could skip step 4, if you really didn't want to spend the extra 4 - 4.5 hours waiting. 
  14. dont put rubber in straight bleach. its just going to destroy it.i know its a one use,but still,its crazy overkill.
    also, dont autoclave rubber bands.they will be double destroyed..

    just soak your band in isOH or chlorohex for about an hour.
  15. Wasn't aware that Bleach destroyed latex. isOH?
  16. isopropanol ^
  17. Well, I did an experiment of my own last night.
    Immersed 2 ordinary rubber bands in an 8.25% sodium hypochlorite solution, at ~76 degrees Fahrenheit for roughly 9 hours and 10 minutes undisturbed. Neither of them showed any signs of degradation. Both stretched the same as the control (A rubber band out of the same bag). So, unless my bleach is diluted, or the stuff normally used is a lot more concentrated, I can't see how bleach would affect them.

    I agree that my procedure was definitely overkill. Just wanted to find out what kind of degradation would occur.
  18. Fair enough.
    As I mentioned, since the rubber band is a one shot, it really wouldnt matter. For things that you plan on using muliple times, you are goin to see degredation over time. 
  19. On a slightly different note, I've got a bunch of unsterilized nitrile gloves at home. Would a soak in isOH or chlorohex work for those as well?
  20. I have a little mister bottle with EtOH in it. When I do bio work, i just put them on and then mist the fuck out of my hands and rub till dry.

    You can do the same with clorohex or isOH, just get em good.
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