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What is your dream "smart" limb?

I'm interested in feedback and ideas for a class project.  We're thinking about creating a prosthetic limb that would be cooler than our current natural limbs.  What do guys think would make for a cool "smart" limb?  The technology doesn't have to exist yet.  We won't be actually making a working prototype, but rather just imagining how it will look (via Photoshop, Rhino, Maya) and going through the steps to imagine how we would "bring it to market".

Since you guys are doing a lot of innovative things with your bodies, I thought you might have some very interesting feedback and ideas.


Displaying all 10 comments
  1. How about a cybernetic arm, from the elbow down at least, which has fingers that split in half for a total of 20 smaller fingers, and perhaps those halves can split in half again. This could come in handy for super-fast typing or when you need tiny little fingers to fix something.
  2. Articulated, lightweight wings for gliding (not true flying, enough physics issues with that), attached at the pelvis so supporting your weight doesn't require a lifetime of olympic weight training. Could be removable (via a climbing harness or something?) or collapsible once you land.
  3. The user and all related content has been deleted.
  4. @otptheperson - You can get movable wings from this guy in several styles, and he makes custom stuff if you ask. The downside is that they're completely useless. Oh, and they can get a little spendy.
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  6. I assume you've seen this?
  7. No surprises here ...

    First choice: Cybernetic arm, with ability to extend as needed, built-in dosimeter and assorted other sensors.

    Second choice: Wings
  8. i would kill for legs that are the same as human, but dont require me to have knee surgery and a 6 month recovery when i tear a ligament.
  9. You should maybe take a look at this piece of awesomery right here...
  10. I want a cybernetic left side. I use the right side of my body for fine details and such and I would like to have a super strong robotic arm but I would need a leg and something that connects the two or I couldn't pick up anything really heavy without crushing myself. but if I had a whole left side of my body done up then I could do all kinds of cool stuff
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