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All attainable implants at this time.

Hi everyone. First time here. I have a few questions I've had a hard time finding out.

Firstly, I'm scheduled to get an NFC and magnetic implant on October 28th, so I'm looking forward to that! Secondly, I'm wondering if there is a difference between an NFC and an RFID implant. I may be wrong but I'm under the impression that NFC is RFID just a more specific band of RFID. Are there different RFID implants that aren't considered NFC? And do they have different applications? Can one do something the other can't? If so, what?

Thirdly, I'm interested in what kinds of implants are available to the public right now. That is, attainable for purchase by a regular Joe like me. In my searching I've also found an implant for pets that monitors temperature, which would be pretty cool. Not sure if it's available though. I think it is.

( more information here:

As far as implants that (as far as I'm aware) aren't on the market yet. There is a heart rhythm monitor that detects Atrial fibrillation (info here: 

There's also a blood monitoring implant that detects heart attacks (info here: 

Lastly, there's an implant that monitors glucose (info here:

My main questions are about the difference between RFID and NFC implants and what they can do differently. I'd also like to know all the possible implants an average person like me can attain and install (by a professional).


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  1. @nothreat33 yes, you are right about RFID vs NFC, NFC is just a subset of RFID that conforms to a set of standards, the important thing is that it's the standards that are supported by smart phones, so if you get NFC, you know it'll work with your NFC enabled android, but just RFID probably won't. yes, Amal sells both NFC and non-NFC RFIDs on his site. There are not really any other common implants at this time, but check back in a few months, I'll be releasing a new implant soon.
  2. NFC is a standard of RFID, NFC devices can work with standarized equipment like the NFC chip in your smart phone any RFID that is not rated to NFC is programmed and read by a special reader/writer instead. 

    beyond your list there are magnet implants and radiation dosimeters that I know of for sure not sure if there are any beyond that but I'm sure I have not found them all yet

  3. Radio Frequence Identification vs Near Field Communication


    The quick answer is that NFC is sort of a kind of RFID. Most common RFID chips operate on 13.6mhz or 125khz. NFC runs only on 13.6. Thus some RFID readers will read NFC and vice versa, but only RFID running at 13.6. Because of the higher frequency, NFC chips need to be closer to the reader than 125khzRFID.

    In practical terms, RFID contains just a serial number (UID). When it comes within proximity to a reader, the reader simply collects that UID, and then moves on. NFC has that UID, but it also has a small amount of memory that is read/writeable (usually). This makes an RFID impant a very passive implant. With an NFC chip, you can do all the same thing as an RFID (provided you have the right reader), plus use it for a small amount of storage. Also, phones will read NFC and not RFID, so there's that too. Definitely check out dangerousthings for more info.

    As far as other implants - none common. There's a lot of cool people doing really cool things, but as far as "functional body modifications" that's about it.

    p.s., that identipet thing gets discussed to death here: The general consensus is neat, but not practical.
  4. I'm getting a NFC and magnet implant too, @nothreat33, on March 18th.
  5. Just to add a bit of clarity on the difference between RFID and NFC... RFID is a blanket term used to describe any manner in which something can be identified using radio frequency energy. This includes methods such as;

    - bouncing radar off planes which have a special reflector dish that modifies the bounced energy in such a way as to identify that plane (IFF)

    - passively capacitively or magnetically coupling an interrogator device with a "tag" - like what we're used to calling an "RFID tag". The typical operating frequencies for these types of tags range from 125khz to 13.56mhz.

    - bouncing an energy pulse off a passive RF device which absorbs and re-transmits energy using "backscatter" techniques. This is the typical operating mode for "UHF" 900mhz range RFID tags.

    - Any digital transmitter that uses a uniquely identifiable address, like a wifi access point, your cell phone's many radios (wifi, cell, data, bluetooth, atom+, etc. radios) could be used to identify said transmitter, hence could be part of an RFID system wherein the goal would be to identify these transmitters.

    When we talk about capabilities of "RFID tags" meaning passive, magnetically coupled devices in the 125khz or 13.56mhz range, we are still talking about a massive collection of devices which operate on various protocols and standards, and some operate on a completely proprietary basis, even though the frequency is common with other, standards based devices. As such, the capabilities range from read-only devices like devices which use a 125khz EM4102 chip, to a fully read/write device that supports encryption such as a 13.56mhz Mifare S50 1K chip based device. Neither of these devices is "NFC Compliant", yet the Mifare S50 operates in the same frequency range that NFC compliant tags do, and also supports read/write features as well as a form of cryptographic memory protection.

    When if comes to NFC, passive tags make up only part of the standard. When discussing RFID tags which are NFC compliant, they all fall into the 13.56mhz operating frequency, but the different types (type 1, 2, 3, and 4) are simply specifications that determine the way and method a compliant RFID tag must be configured to support NFC function.

    For example, Type 2 tags must have a specific memory structure and be formatted in a specific way in order to be NFC complaint. For example, both the Mifare Ultralight family and the NTAG2xx family of tags are NFC Type 2 compliant, and both have a specific page in memory which can be configured with any 4 bytes, but to be recognized as an NFC tag, they must be configured in a very specific way... in NFC terminology, this special page of memory is called the Capability Container... but my point here is that these tags can be used for many purposes, but if they are to be used with an NFC compliant reader they must be configured properly to conform with the NFC standard.

    Moving beyond passive tags type 1-4, NFC also defines a protocol for active device to device communication called peer-to-peer communications. This has nothing to do with passive RFID tags or their formats what so ever.

    The focus on the entire NFC standard really just focuses on NDEF envelopes (messages) and the NDEF records inside those envelopes. The standard defines how these NDEF records are written to passive RFID tags (type 1-4) and how they are communicated between two active devices. The payloads of these NDEF records can be undefined binary data, or they can be defined payload types like URLs, vCards, and other common data types. 

    The reason to define specific data types is to minimize data packet sizes. For example, if you want to communicate "" you can do so using a defined record type, which is only 1 byte long, followed by just saving you 11 bytes. That might not seem like much, but some Type 1 tags are only able to hold 46 bytes total, including NDEF envelope and record header data.

    Anyway, I hope this made sense. The difference between RFID and NFC really has nothing to do with the capabilities of the passive tag (read vs read/write), it has to do instead with the capabilities of the tag type and memory structure, as well as the reader's capabilities... what is the reader looking for? Is it trying to read an NDEF record from the tag? 

    A classic marketing push these days is to label things "NFC", like calling all RFID tags "NFC tags" even if they are not NFC compliant.. or worse, calling a device like a door lock which reads an RFID tag an "NFC Lock", which doesn't actually read any NDEF data from the RFID tag... regardless of whether the RFID tag used with the lock is also NFC compliant, like for example an Ultralight C tag... that tag is NFC Type 2 compliant, but if the door lock only reads the UID from the tag and does not care about the format of the Capability Container, or read any NDEF record data from the tag, this is not an NFC application, and hence the door lock is not an NFC compliant device. Personally, the NFC Forum should be more actively protecting their standard and trademark and take down these bastards and force them to remove the NFC label from their products if they don't actually comply.

    Why am I so cranky about compliance? Well, for example, Android is annoying me lately... they are not complying with NFC specifications with regard to reading multiple NDEF records. They don't even search the entire tag for an NDEF record... if you choose to store your NDEF record at the end of a tag, and the capability container specifies that the entire memory contents of the RFID tag is formatted for use as an NFC device, the reader must search the entire contents of the tag to find an NDEF record. Android gives up after only 10 pages.

    Ok ok... rant over. I hope this has helped clarify the difference between RFID and NFC.
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