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Standing a tiny magnet on its side? -can you do it?

Hey guys,
I am trying to stand one of these tiny disk magnets for implanting on its side to see if it is strong enough to turn and face north... problem is that they seem to be impossible to stand on their sides and they are so small I cant manage to spin it on its side to try to balance it like can be done with a coin. I guess I have two questions.
A: does anyone know if these little n52 magnets can right themselves to north?
B: anyone got any ideas on how to test their ability to right themselves north, given that no one already knows the answer.


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  1. you don't tell us what size your magnet is, so it's impossible for us to give an accurate answer. 

    But I'm almost certain that no n52 magnet will orient itself north when resting on a normal surface, there is too much friction.
  2. I am attempting it with these: 
    and these:

    and I am trying to stand them on a level glass table. what I figured would be about optimal conditions. I am more concerned with the low strength magnets being able to right themselves than actually standing one on its side really but I spent an hour + attempting it and never got it to work so figured Id pose the impossible challenge to other to see if you all had a better idea. 
  3. On a side note, I don't think that Gaussboys provide N52 grade magnets. I mean, they claim to sell them but I purchased some and tested them and they were considerably weaker. Unfortunately this was before I got my better toys and so I can't give you a number. Definitely weaker than other magnets identified as N52 though.
  4. that is good to know because I figured out that the best way to do it is to float the magnet in water instead. and the gaussboys magnets worked fine to fine north I don't think it really takes much of a magnet for it to work you just have to break friction
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