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General Greetings from DarkDJ117

Hi there,
I realized that I have not previously introduced myself.  I am known by far too many names, but would like to be called Nora.
As for what I do, I guess you could say I make games.  Well, so to speak... In reality, I am the *nix junky for a small open source game studio called Werfpasta.  Our website is a bit bare, so I will spare you the agony of a link.  I am also (well, almost) a student of Electrical Engineering.  I start my first term in a few weeks.  In my free time, though, I do research on biohacking.  I absolutely love all of this.  It reminds me of the community I imagined when reading Steven Levy's works on hackers, and though I have considered myself a hacker, I've generally been pretty isolated (up until recently, I've lived in small towns, so finding other hackers has been pretty much out of the question).  If anyone lives in the Colorado Springs area, I would totally love to meetup and talk about grinding and the likes... or, you know, whatever.
As far as body mods goes, I just ordered a magnet that I will be installing upon receiving it, other than that, my wetware is vanilla.  I've also considered getting an RFID tag, but I am unsure what use it would be to me as of now.
I've also been working on a lot of designs for an implantable data collection unit.  Well... more like pre-design.  I am still researching regulations on implantable devices and deciding which components I would like to use.  Remaining within code helps if I ever feel like going to market with my designs and knowing what I'm working with always just helps... options are beautiful.
I also do a lot of creative writing whenever a surge of inspiration hits me.  I have been posting that stuff on another forum that one of my friends moderates.  Places are places, I guess.  Anyway, I know this is getting a bit long winded, so I apologize for that.
Thanks for having me here,

tl;dr: Hi, I'm Nora, I like coding, grinding, and electronics.


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  1. Welcome!  I was actually just in Colorado Springs last week.  A couple friends and I have been casually discussing moving out that way.  Do you enjoy it there?
  2. I love it in the springs.  ... but then again, I have yet to see much of the world.  I am still young(ish).  The libraries have a lot more books, everything you want is just about five minutes away, the internet is less expensive while being way more efficient, and the people here are really active.  ... or at least is my experience since moving from Glenwood, Iowa.
  3. Hey,  

    I'm just getting ready to make an intro post myself... I'm in the Springs!!  Up near Union and Dublin.  I also design tabletop games... Cards, mostly.

    Hit me up, I'd love to have some time to chat with someone else in the community.  

    By the way, how did the magnet implant go?
  4. I haven't received the magnet yet, but hopefully soon (I haven't been home in a few days to check the mail).  I am on Roundtop, which is between Union and Academy right off of Dublin, so if you want to get together, just let me know, I will make something work.  I am usually not home during the week, school is down South, so I tend to crash at friend's places whenever I can in order to conserve gasoline, but on the weekends I am basically open.
  5. You are literally three or four blocks from me!  I'll PM you with my e-mail address, and we'll figure out a time to meet up for coffee or something.
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