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New Magnet Design Beta

Hey everyone! It's time..

Science for the Masses (@Cassox and @glims), partnered with Dangerous Things (@Amal) are opening up a limited time pre order of the first magnets specifically designed to be used as implants.

This is basically a closed prerelease. The link below leads to a preorder form on the Dangerous Things website that allows only you guys to get the magnets before we start selling them to profesional body mod artists. This is only for a limited time and this link is the only way to get to that website. Please don't share the link with anyone who is not on this board. The reason for this is that the price that we are offering for the beta  is less expensive than what we will be selling it to modders at. This is just for you guys.

Now, let's discuss the details a bit.
The magnets are 3mm x 1mm neodymium with Titanium Nitride coating. By using a unique process cooked up by Cass, we have managed to get these magnets to maintain a nice high gauss strength. This became a point after we found that most coating processes have a tendency to reduce the strength of the magnets.
The magnets have been tested for fouling resistance, cytotoxicity, resistance to shear horse, and have also been tested on humans :) We've compared this magnet to parylene coated magnets and other well known providers in all these categories and it comes out head and shoulders above anything that we have had available to us.

For what it's worth, this is the first coated magnet that I have felt comfortable putting inside my body. Anyone who's read any of my posts knows how I get about biocompatable coatings..
Anyway, here's the link, have fun :) If you guys have any questions, I'll be checking in regularly to answer them.


Displaying comments 1 - 30 of 208
  1. here is the link to the pdf that we will be giving to the proffesional modders and piercers on the affliliate list.
    it goes into a little more detail and has a breakdown comparing different coating types

  2. Whats the stenght about it? Is it like the ones for magicians from Haworth? How much does it lifts?
  3. It's an N52 rated magnet, which is the most powerful that you can get.
    It's more powerful than the Haworth magnets for two reasons. WHile the Haworth magnets are bigger, they are also coated in silicone. That thick coating means you are reducing your strength just because there is so much crap in the way. 
    The second thing is that the silicone process requires using heat. We have found that applying heat to the magnets has a tendency to reduce their strength.

    Once we realized this, we had to come up with a work around to allow us to coat the magnets and keep the strength.

    These are the strongest implantable magnet by mass that you can purchase.
  4. WOW!!! Im getting this on Wednesday , if they sold out please keep one for me, Im totally getting this!
  5. Thanks a lot, Will order this as soon as I have money.
    (within 14 days, will it still be availible then?)
  6. How long will they be availible?
  7. I know that we want to make sure everyone in the community has a chance to get one and I know that some people dont check the boards every day. I'll talk with Amal and I'll make sure everyone interested gets in before the cut off.

    So probably about 2 weeks :)
  8. @Jack_Sylvane our first batch is product size.we wont run out ;)
  9. Hey there, thanks for this.  I just ordered one and will likely install it soon after I receive it.
  10. Congrats to @cassox and @glims, I know you guys have been working on this for ages.
  11. Just ordered mine. Super excited about it! I'll post when I get it implanted
  12. I'm going to echo @AmmonRa here. @glims, @cassox, and @amal, Thank You for all of your hard work on this! I've been looking forward to this release, and can now look forward to getting these in (hah!) my hands. 
  13. Looks awesome!! Looking forward to some hands on... or in hands.. testing :D
  14. Hi guys, thanks for the support and enthusiasm!

    Sorry I'm not on the board as often as I'd like to be, so if you want to get my attention use the @amal method in your messages as this is the only email notification that appears to work for the board.

    We have yet to come up with an ETA for the end of the pre-order beta, but we'll make sure everyone who's interested has a chance to get one.

    Amal ;)
  15. Thanks for the congrats! I'm feeling... relieved actually. I've trialed so so many damn magnets. I've tossed away probably a thousand different failed magnets at this point.
  16. I'll be in for two once I get back from some cons and get paid (so the 15th). SUPER excited for these!! Thank you for all of the work and research.
  17. Nice, can't wait to try these.
  18. Thank you everyone for your props and support. We're really happy that we could bring these to you :)
  19. Congratz those who worked on the project! I'm sure your hard work will pay off. Y'all wouldn't have any video of the magnet in action would you? I'm anxious to get it and have been thinking about it since I ordered mine lol
  20. @amal has a video of the implant. I'll hassle him to get it uploaded. Once we get the batch, we'll take lots of videos.
  21. Heh I sent you that vid already @glims, did you not get it? I can upload to youtube later tonight.
  22. @amal wha!? nope. tbh, i may have missed it in the move... sorry! youtube link?
  23. @glims
  24. @amal
  25. Haha that's all the video I've got of the actual installation.
  26. picking up things would be cool. Sorry im so interested lol

  27. @glims - actually that's a fun test. To be fair, we'd have to choose a common material, shape, and test outside the body to ensure the same level of treatment for all magnets... magnet, 5-10 sheets of paper between, then pick up target weights.
  28. It'd be great to see your magnet compete to someone else's. Preferably demonstrated already implanted.
  29. Hi guys.

    My piercer wants exact information on exactly how to implant the magnet.
    Does anyone have a document or any such information that describes in great detail?
  30. We will likely come up with a suggested procedure guide for the most common area (fingertips), but for now this is up to the artist. Because we don't have a bulky coating, the procedure can be vastly simplified over installing other magnets, some of which require the use of painful tissue retractors.
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