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size and dangers of magnets around eyes

I received a 75% blow-out fracture of my left orbital while serving in the Navy. This happened in 2003. The Navy decided to use a plastic mesh to interweave with the muscles and remaining bone floor to support the eye. The Navy surgeon used this method as a way to minimize visible scarring on my face. about 2 years ago I started noticing that my vision started to double up close. After a few months it did not need to be that close anymore to double. Long story slightly shorter, I now have permanent and in-correctable double vision of everything closer than 12 ft. As an electronic/dimensional calibration tech, this is a slight problem. I use an eye patch currently, but would like to have 3 magnets implanted around my socket, to hold a eye patch without the band. I cannot get used to the band, which causes me daily headaches, and I constantly have to shift it around which causes sores. Is there any effects to the eye to have magnets strong enough to hold a patch that close? how many other questions am I not considering? Any and all input, from mag types/sizes/guass strength would be appreciated. 


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  1. Oh dude, that should be easy as pie. Also, you'll be a bad ass pirate calibration tech. There are a few considerations here - one is how close you'll have magnets to each other. If you'd like, within a few days I'll take a look at an map of vessels and nerves. I dissected a cadaver and let me tell you cranial nerve 7 is one complicated bifurcated fucking nerve and your not that far away from it. The outer and upper portions of the orbit are ok. Lower/inner are more difficult. To be honest, I think you should go to a plastic surgeon and see if they'd do the procedure for you. It shouldn't be too much and theoretically since it's correcting a problem it does fall under the category of medicine.

    If you do go with some piercer, please talk to me first. I'll do whatever I can to get you dissolvable stitches and someone who won't fuck you up. I'll also pm you about magnets.
  2. Something to consider is the pressure that magnets would cause on your skin... Especially on facial areas, that skin is thin and delicate; constant pressure from a magnet could cause loss of bloodflow.
  3. Agreed. At first I was thinking that a lower grade magnet might be better, but eye patches weigh so little. By minimizing the thickness of metal to attach the eyepad you could actually use minimal pressure. So N52's combined with foil on the eyepatch. Alternatively though, one could just place appropriately biocoated pieces of metal and then use the magnets on the eyepiece. Not sure the advantage really - except that if you've had that much work done, the likelihood of future diagnostics perhaps including MRI is rather high. Not that a chunk of metal is any better. Just brainstorming a bit here.
  4. wow, thanks for the fast responses. I knew that there were some major nerves around the socket, and didn't want to mess around with them. Biology is not my strong suit. My plan was mainly 3 magnets, two above, and one outer/lower leaving it loose around the bridge of the nose. that gives me over an inch away from each other, hopefully negating them trying to form lava tubes under my skin. As far as the pressure, I was also going to use similar magnets on the patch, under a thin layer of gel which i am using for padding. The outside i plan on being inter-changable for different moods/whatever. I am hoping the gel will disperse some of the pinch pressure. I have already been told by the VA they have no plans on any other testing about this issue. So unless something NEW shows up, I shouldn't be needing a MRI anytime soon. I was actually planning on visiting a couple places here in Portland that do the cosmetic medicine to see if they would do the implant procedure. I just need to find the appropriate size and strength. I was thinking of N52's just to minimize the size of the magnet.
  5. I think the idea regarding the nerves, is that subdermal magnets for holding on an eyepatch shouldn't be going nearly deep enough to risk contact with, or damage to, the facial nerves. I would recommend against using paired magnets in the eyepatch, just use a lightly ferromagnetic material. Pinching two natural magnets together with tissue in between is generally not the best idea. Have you considered using magnetic eyebrow/bridge piercings instead? Those would eliminate any risk to the nerves or tissue, as well as any discomfort from porolonged pinching. They'd also be removable for MRIs and such.
  6. I was hoping that the facial nerves would be deep enough not to cause and issue, especially around the outer part of the socket, and it seems they shouldn't be. as far as the paired magnets, i have several non coated n52/n42 disc magnets of various sizes i was going to experiment with. since this is going to be pretty permanent, i want something I can adapt as i get older and ideas change. I will be able to swap magnets or small washers of various sizes depending on the outer shell. as well as the thickness of the padding between the skin and magnet. The only permanent part is an aluminum frame. though for some of the halloween costumes I might need some extra holding power for a couple hours for some lighted patches. I am not really a piercing type of person. If I have to have a MRI at a future date, I would have them removed as a last resort.
  7. Why not using three microdermal implants? 
  8. Yeah, microdermals seem like the ways to go with this.

    You mentioned you have non coated magnets. What are you planning on doing with those? Non coated magnets are not your friend....
  9. I am not sure exactly what you mean by microdermal implants. Using 3 small coated magnets around the socket seems to be enough to me. The non coated magnets are for placement in the patch frame, not for any implant or direct skin contact. put larger ones in while wearing a patch with more stuff attached to it, and smaller one when using a blank patch for work.
  10. ahh, just looked up the microdermals, I think i am basically doing the same thing. placing 3 anchor magnets and then using different strength magnets on the patch itself depending on the weight of the outer shell. 
  11. The problem with the magnets is that you are putting a lot of weight on them, the microdermals are better for this because tissue grows on it and hold them in place, that doesnt happen with the magnets :/
  12. I see. I didn't think about that. I will have to take a closer look at them.

    This guy used magnetic microdermal piercings to attatch an ipod to his arm. The only downside to this is that the implants are visible. However you dont have to worry about tissue damage due to the pressure against the skin.
  14. Notice how all of these fancy surface magnetic piercings and many implant videos you see only show the immediate 'on the table' result. Anything can be made to look good for a few hours after it's done. Whether it lasts or becomes a problem later is an entirely different question and one that I wish there were more answers to floating around.
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