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Successful Implanation & Video

After lots of posts, advice from the board, and a botched first attempt, I'm thrilled to report that my implantation went super smoothly yesterday. I've got a video up, a writeup, and will have continuing updates on healing on my blog as well.

Thanks so much for everyone that gave advice, and especially to this board in general for sneaking into an unrelated search I was doing on magnets and inspiring me to get an implant in the first place!

For anyone looking for reference, my blog also has my shopping list, my surgical plan, and a number of lessons I learned from a bungled first attempt.


Displaying all 3 comments
  1. Excellent. Can't get on now, but I look forward to checking it out.
  2. This was a really good video man. Very clean. Do you mind if I link to your blog when I clean up mine?
  3. Thank you so much! And no, I definitely don't mind. Part of the reason I put up so much info was in the hopes that it could be a resource to people in the future, so the more eyes on it and getting useful info, the better.
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