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Can a pilot get an implant?

A friend of mine is debating getting an implant, but wants to know if he will be able to fly, since he is getting his pilots license. He hasn't asked yet since he wants to wait, but I'm curious of anyone here has any knowledge.


Displaying all 11 comments
  1. I dont see any trouble, the "only" one I can think of is the controls of the airplane
  2. Yeah that was his issue too.
  3. I will ask my old guy, he works on an Airport 
  4. Awesome thanks. I couldn't see a magnet of that size causing any issues. But it would be nice to know.
  5. Speakers in a cell phone could have pretty much the same strength; the only thing I would be cautious of is the compass. Beyond that, I don't think any avionics rely on sensing a magnetic field.
  6. I had my two magnets during a couple sport pilot lessons; no issues at all. They are FAR too weak to affect anything in the instrument panel, and they did not react badly to the pressure at 5,000 feet above ground (12k above sea level).
  7. My old guy phoned a real Pilot and he told us that it wont happen nothing, its not possible because of the size of the magnet , but just for security, he wont get it. So in conclussion, its very unlikely that something wrong happen
  8. maybe Garmin touch screen and compass should be only problem I would see.
  9. Is there any job that one could conceive WOULD be affected by getting a magnetic implant?
  10. Surgeon, MRI technician, watch repair, labwork with magnetic bacteria or homing pigeons.
  11. I guess do you mean negatively effected, positively affected, or both? I know a couple people I work with have them and I am getting mine soon. were all in electronics and the guys I work with say its very helpful for picking up the tiny 0201 parts we use, actually one of my main reasons for getting it. I have a friend who is a PC assembler who is amazingly fast because of his implant.  I think of my self as pretty quick at putting a computer together but he can do it in like half the time it takes me because he doesnt have to pinch those little screws to get them in place.  

    I work with RF oscillators all day so I am excited to get my implant because I will be experiencing a ridiculous amount of different frequencies at work which the guys I work with tell me is super awesome.  

    Negatively I would say the guy who runs those cranes with big electromagnets to pick up cars would be putting himself at risk of having a pretty bad day. 
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