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DIY Logic gate

Helo bio pros,
I'm new to biology field and I need your. I'm interested in doing my own DNA logic gates with low cost materials. If anyone have a documents related to it you can share it. Also you can share any BIO DIY DOCS.

Thanks in advance.


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  1. This will be extremely difficult to do for a low cost.  Do you have access to a lab or are you trying to build your own DIY lab? These guys have a lot of DIY Bio hardware and reagents. 
  2. did someone say biology!?

    firstly, you could start out with something a little less complex, like using bacterial systems as logic gates. the requisites for handling those things are a lot easier to meet and they don't degrade as quickly. this will also allow you to get your handling biology work practice in, as dealing with biologicals is a completely separate skill set than dealing with inanimate objects.

    if there are specific papers that you would like, let me know, and i will add them to the shared folder that can be reached from the wiki.

    when you say new to the biology field, do you mean "i'm in school for biology" or something along the lines of "i know how to programs computers, now i want to learn biology" or more of a "i know which end of the carrot to put in my mouth"? i'm not trying to be rude, i'm just fairly direct.  this is important, as getting a better grasp of your background will allow people here to best give you the information that you need.

    where are you located? if you don't have a lab of your own, you may need to join a hacker space or invest in some serious hardware before you start moving forward. "low cost" for bio work (beyond the very simple stuff like glo in the dark bacteria) is still in the multiple thousands of dollars...

    feel free to ask any questions you may have; I and the other bio happy people here will be happy to help :)
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