The forums were originally run on Vanilla and ran from January 2011 to July 2024. They are preserved here as a read-only archive. If you had an account on the forums and are in the archive and wish to have either your posts anonymized or removed entirely, email us and let us know.

While we are no longer running Vanilla, Patreon badges are still being awarded, and shoutout forum posts are being created, because this is done directly in the database via an automated task.

Suggestion box


Displaying comments 91 - 120 of 122
  1. something simple i would suggest is a "reply to" or "quote" feature so you can easily reply to a comment and allowing the person to get a notification based off of me directly replying to their comment on a thread.
  2. With regard to notifications, you can already be notified when someone mentions you.
  3. what if some of us want a link dump but dont have or would never want to use a facebook.
  4. make a page on the wiki, use dropbox. make a persistent evernote file, start a blog, use
  5. under the "Purchase Materials" link in the wiki, the "Parylene C coated magnets (individual purchase)" link is broken. it's at fault of them taking the product off of the site
  6. you guys should have a shop on here it would be a big hit
  7. I can't post from my Nexus 5.... the keyboard disappears immediatly after showing.
    Maybe a mobile theme? Or at least make it a "regular" <textarea> on mobile clients
  8. Or better yet: An actual app? 

  9. Pretty simple one, but I think it's important we have an option other than male or female for people to choose when making an account.
  10. maybe just a box you can fill out or ignore at your choosing? any radio button option is just going to end up being restrictive....

    on the topic of modifying the profile information: could we have a section that allows for people to input skills sets? i think this would be very helpful for collaboration and actual project related work.
  11. I completely agree.  I'm a big fan of the second idea too.  Maybe there could just be an "about me" section or something similar.
  12. Minor suggestion.
    I, and I assume others, am used to pressing "tab, enter" to post a comment but the first link after the comment box is "Back to Discussions."  I've navigated away from a fully typed response by accident because of my FB conditioning.  Do other people have the same knee-jerk conditioning for posting a comment?
  13. That's a facebook thing? I think many of us might not know that, so that's useful info. Also, are your comments not saved when you navigate back to the page? mine are....
  14. They have been so far but my heart fails a little each time I accidentally navigate away from a large unposted block of text.  I assumed it was an unspoken standard that "post" is the next selectable after pressing tab from a text field.  FB isn't the only place I've seen it.  Maybe it's in my head.
  15. I haven't had this happen to me here (yet) but I agree with @McSTUFF. Especially when I'm on my linux partition and using almost entirely keyboard shortcuts, I tend to hit enter or tab+enter to submit a text field. It works on most websites' log-in interface AFAIK.
  16. I second the suggestion of an app or a mobile version of the site. Posting/reading on my phone is almost prohibitively difficult.
  17. I can't implement any of your suggestions without a competent coder. Email me your applications and I'll get you what you need.
  18. Hi, 

    I'm mostly a mobile developer, but I have a background in web design and development. If we need an extra hand to implement some of this stuff I would be able to volunteer some time. 
  19. @JoeyCC:
     I was about to say the same thing. Or just nix having to put down a gender when you sign up altogether.
  20. @SovereignBleak, I'm an experienced webdev, mainly with PHP and Python, and can definitely help code, make tweaks, or advise.
  21. I work as a web developer, and while my schedule is tight I would be happy to lend some volunteer time and hands.
  22. I would love to see the company's of some of the members on this page. In a lot of comments people say "we are working on.." And I, among others I am sure, would like to know where we can find their work.
  23. Any chance of a collective photo gallery for those who want to post their X-ray images, implant photos etcetera? Perhaps it could also be a resource for implant procedure videos, magnet party trick clips.
  24. I second @kjwx's suggestion.
  25. The user and all related content has been deleted.
  26. I agree, I would however like it if i could set things to public or members only..
  27. Aye. Having some sort of privacy settings is a must...
  28. I think having a google plus community would be a good idea.

    Also I have been dealing with a CMS called drupal lately and its amazing for this kind of stuff. So maybe look at using that as a future CMS? its very flexible and easy to build, and open-source.
  29. @pkp336 @kjwx We should be able to address both of these needs in the wiki. May I suggest a page created where grinders can list their companies? We may need to install the Image Extension module before photos can be listed inline.

    @AMNESIA I enjoy's open ethos. Being a grinder doesn't mean you're part of some umbrella organization with a strict membership list. Posting rights are given by application to reduce spam.

    @Benbreezy I am vehemently opposed to social backends beholden to Google, Facebook, etc. There are better, more integrated, and less invasive solutions available.

  30. I'm just saying that drupal is more of a frame work and is very light. you build on top of it. Dont diss it until you look at it.
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