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Metal detectors and demagnetizers

So I've been going into a lot of places in the city with those grey security pillars on either side of the door.I noticed I get a strong vibration from about one in five. Anyone know what the deal with that is? Different brands? Inefficient energy use? More high tech systems? Has anyone else notices this? Also I've notice a big pulse near an active demagnetizer, like the ones that get triggered at a department stores when they swipe your purchase. do these weaken my magnet if it happens to often?


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  1. If you dont feel the pulse it means its turned off
  2. Not necessarily, not all scanners use magnetic fields (and not all magnetic fields would produce a sensation you could feel). If you want to see if they're on, warn the teller while they're ringing you up and wave an unscanned item through the detector. As for the security demagnetizer, no it won't unless your implant is super low-grade. Neodymium magnets are what's called a permanent magnet, which basically means they aren't magnetic thanks to a rare alignment of particles (as with certain magnetized metals, like that MacGyver episode where he hits a pole on a Fire hydrant to magnetize it weakly). These magnets are just naturally magnetic, unless you boil them. And if they're inside you, boiling is generally to be avoided regardless.
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